Chapter 24 - Person 1 or Person 2

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"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Oh shit. 

Why is he here? 

He is the last person I thought I'll encounter here. 

I mean I figured he is a student here because of the monogram on his jacket but I didn't think I'll have to meet him here. 

There are so many people in this school. Why did it have to be him that opened the door?


Did he just enter the room or...

My eyes widen as I stare at his disheveled uniform and angry expression.

He was one of the parties that were having the argument just now. 

Also, was he person 1 or person 2?

Why was he fighting with someone? 

What happened between them? 

He was fighting with his brother. 

Who is his brother?

"Yuri? Yuri are you there? Are you okay? I am coming" I hear San cut the call and the pink-haired boy with angry eyes snatches away my phone from me before I can even protest or explain.

Yeonjun is standing in front of me, in his Royals High uniform, slightly disheveled white shirt and pleated gray pants but instead of the maroon blazer I am wearing, he is wearing the leather jacket I saw him wearing before.

His hair is messy and the pink of his hair matches the pink on his cheek right now. 

It makes him look more human than the cold-stoned statue he usually looks like but I know how angry he must be to have that much color on his face right now. 

And this was the second time I heard his conversation that I wasn't supposed to. 


"How do you always manage to eavesdrop on my conversations and that too with your cell on you?" his jaw is clenched and he has his hands in a fist.

"I know this looks bad but trust me I didn't mean to-"

"Spare me the excuse. To actually think I believed you last time, I won't do the same mistake again" he sneers at me. 

"I didn't mean to listen in on your conversation. I didn't even know it was you. I was here to collect my binder" I show him the binder I am holding but he doesn't spare a glance at it. 

He just keeps glaring at me.

"Can you just give me my phone back? You keep snatching away my phone every time I encounter you. Even though you have no clue how to operate it" I shout but he just ignores each and every word coming out of my mouth.

"So you are a student here. You told me you didn't know who I was. You really expect me to believe that now when I see you wearing this uniform?" He spares a disgusted glance at my uniform before going back to glaring at me.

"I was right about you being a stalker" he takes a step towards me and I take a step back. 

Why does he scare me? 

I am not at fault. 

I did nothing wrong. 

It is not my fault I got stuck in this room.

He takes another step in and I take another step back, my back touching the racks on the wall. 

I am so focused on keeping my guard up and my attention on him that I notice him letting go of the door a little too late.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. No no" I push him aside as I rush to open the door but I am a few seconds too late. The door closes with a dull thud before I can get my handle on the knob. 

I rest my head on the frosted glass with a dull thud.

I try to turn the knob, hoping and wishing to the heavens above that it works but of course, it doesn't. 

It was just my wishful thinking. 

I have been locked again. 

And that too with this man.

A hand yanks me by my elbow and I lose my balance. 

I grip the nearest thing I can to help myself so that I don't fall and that just happens to be Yeonjun's shirt.

I hear the button pop and the shirt rip. 

I see his eyes widen but I keep falling. 

I also see myself pulling the person in front of me with me as I fall. 


It is nothing like the movie. 

It is not slow motion where I realize how I am falling. It is nothing like that. One moment my hand is on Yeonjun's shirt and the next I am sprawled out on the floor. 

Yeonjun has better balance than me because he manages to rip my hands off his shirt and steadies himself. 

I on the other hand fall on my ass. 

This is the second time today. I

 wince in pain as the corner of the rack hits my ribs.

"Are you crazy? First, you're trying to run away and now you're trying to rip my clothes? You really are a stalker aren't you?" he barks and I have had it. 

I was having a good day and I am not going to let him ruin it for me.

"This is my first day here! I was here to collect my files for the reports. I got locked in and I kept knocking. It is not my fault that I got locked in. And now thanks to you, we're both locked in" I spring back on my feet and put extra force on turning the knob to prove my point.

I ignore the pain in my ribs. No point in showing a weak side to him. He'll just use it against me.

"And I would have knocked when you came in as well but you were having an argument with your brother and I didn't know how to interrupt. I didn't mean to listen in. Believe it or not, the world does not revolve around you" I huff out a breath and massage my temple. 

I am getting a headache because of him.

"He is not my brother" he bites out and I roll my eyes.

"I don't care. I really don't give two shits about that. And as for your shirt, you were the one who pulled me and I lost my balance. I was just trying not to fall" I reason. 

 "Besides you're not even my type" I add the last part just out of spite. 

Why does he keep calling me a stalker? 

Is he a celebrity or what?

He comes close so fast that I would have lost my balance again if it wasn't for the door behind me. 

"Oh princess, I am everyone's type" he whispers and smiles but it's not a smile, it is more of a smirk. 

I want to wipe that smirk off.

Can I hit him with my binder? 

At first, I did find him attractive, his features stand out, but the type of person he has completely put out any attractiveness that I first noticed. 

You can't mask a bad personality with good looks.

"You just bring bad news into my life. I was having a good day before I saw you" I say just to anger him and I instantly regret it. 

The smirk falls and something resembling hurt flashes through his face. 

His usually hard eyes flash softly before the guard is back up and he takes a step away from me.

"You're not the only one who's told me that. Seems like I bring bad luck wherever I go" he bites out, his jaw tightened. 

He was person 1.


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