Chapter 66 - Coin Karaoke

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To say things were awkward would be an understatement. We were all sitting around one booth - San, Woojin, Saehi, Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and I.

Beomgyu and Saehi were in the middle of the booth followed by Yeonjun and I on the opposite side, at the edge of the half-circle booth. Woojin and San were sitting in two chairs facing the booth.

Woojin was excited to meet everyone even though he was a little nervous about meeting students from Royals High. Serving the students was one thing but meeting them as friends and hanging out was different.

If I were in Woojin's place, I would feel the same way.

Woojin offered everyone his signature off-the-menu cold coffee, which was one of his overly sugar-coated concoctions with just a hint of coffee.

We all took him up on the offer but Mr. Pink hair - no black hair decided to stick to his usual mint-choco ice cream.

He didn't look at me the entire time were were there. I am not sure whether I expected him to look at me or even strike up a conversation with me but I was at least not expecting him to be completely ignorant towards me.

'So? Do you guys like the cold coffee? This is my special blend" Woojin announced followed by a loud slurp from Beomgyu with two thumbs up.

"I really like it. I might make this my regular order here" he was smiling ear to ear.

I am not sure whether he could not read the room or maybe he was just oblivious to the awkwardness.

"Thanks Woojin. And you did not have to pay for our drinks. I feel bad about it. Especially when it is so good" Saehi complements and smiles at Woojin, making Woojin blush.

"No, no. It is completely fine. Perks of being the star employee an all you know" he winks at me and I shove him playfully.

"What are you talking about? If anyone is the star employee, it is me. Please" I flip my hair and San and Woojin chuckle among themselves.

"Aww, you three are so cute" Saehi made a finger heart towards our direction and we just looked at each other and laughed.

"It just is nice to be friends since childhood right?" Saehi asked with her elbows popped up on the table and her face resting on her palm.

I understood that Saehi was trying her best to open up a conversation that would flow naturally. I was thankful to her and I smiled at her as a token of thanks.

She replied with a subtle wave of her hand as if it were no big deal.

"Annoying is definitely one word for it" Woojin chuckles and both San and I slap his arms.

"Oh please. He could not survive without us two. He was so shy and awkward as a child. He would never have made friends if not for me" I comment and San and Woojin both snort.

"Look who's talking - the girl who always had her nose buried in a book. I am surprised you know so many people from Royals High now. I would have bet you to know every book in the library there rather than name five of your classmates" Woojin retorts and I roll my eyes.

'Oh, she was like that at the start. I saw her drool on the library floor. Great first impressions' Beomgyu takes another large sip of his drink and I groan.

Everyone at the table laughs and Yeonjun for the first time tonight looks in my direction with an amused look.

His eyes are even more stark with the contrast of his black hair and now I can't meet his eyes. I duck my head to take a sip of my drink.

"But you know, then she met me and I was the savior of her social status quo and the rest is history" Beomgyu takes a mock bow and I scowl at him.

"Yeah right" I scoff.

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