Chapter 57 - Friends

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"Care to explain what Choi Yeonjun was doing here?" San fired his questions as soon as he was in the close enough vicinity for me to hear his voice.

"Wow, great to meet you too. You killed it at the competition today. Also, I got to see how many fan girls you have. Woojin did you know San has fangirls?" I direct the conversation to Woojin and he just stares at both of us with a raised eyebrow and a million silent questions.

"Do not change the subject Yuri" San warns and I hand both of them half melted icecreams.

Both of them grumble a thank you and we are stuck in an awkward silence.

I don't want to bring up Yeonjun and my conversation with San in front of Woojin but I am not sure if it is the right thing to talk about with San either.

But then again Yeonjun did say that everyone knew about it. So it technically means I can ask San about it but will it be right to talk in front of Woojin?

Woojin is our closest friend and both of us have shared everything but I don't know it feels like letting someone outside our school know is kind of betraying whatever little trust Yeonjun has built for me.

"Who was that anyway?" Woojin asks while licking his ice cream.

"No one," I say before San can speak and he widens his eyes in shock at me and Woojin looks at me quizically.

"Oh I don't think he is no one" San shakes his head and I hold my head in my hand to stop the throbbing.

All of this cannot be happening in one day.

"San can we just not talk about this right now? We three were supposed to hang out here, like old times, remember?"

"Yuri, I warned you against him. I warned you against them. Getting involved with them is dangerous. You're not only jeopardizing your future but also your life" San yells and I feel the anger rearing his head.

"What do you mean? I know who they are, no thanks to you. And when did you cross over from being my friend to my mother?" I attack him and he flinches.

"Yuri, I want what's best for you" San reasons and I scoff. I am too mad at him right now to reason with him.

"Now you really sound like my mother" I counter and he lets out a strangled noise and grips the back of his neck to calm himself down.

"Okay guys, I think this calls for a time-out. This is getting out of hand. Both of you take a breather and calm yourself down and then we can discuss this" Woojin tries to act as the buffer between us.

"San can you please give it a rest? Can't we just hang out like old times without having to involve the Royals in every conversation?" I plead because I really would like one night without having to discuss either of the Royals.

"Wait, I thought you guys are Royals. What is going on here?" Woojin asks a little confused and I don't blame him. I would be confused too if I was in his place.

"I am trying to Yuri but it is you who bring them up, into our lives, again and again" Now it is my time to flinch at his words. He sees my reaction and his harsh features soften a bit.

"San, believe it or not, most of my encounters with the Royals have usually led to a series of unfortunate events but it has been coincidental. Trust me, I am just as weary of them as you are. But one thing leads to another and I am in the middle" I throw my hand up in frustration.

Woojin mimics my frustration and jumps in "Before this conversation goes any further, do either of you care to explain what you guys are talking about? I am feeling really lost out here."

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