Chapter 17 - Soiled Uniform

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The ride to the cleaners is quick.

It is the shop in my neighborhood. Going to another cleaner would have been wise. They wouldn't be able to tell my parents.

I can only imagine what my parents will say once they hear that I spoiled the uniform as soon as I got it.

No doubt they will put it as a rebellion from my side about not wanting to go to Royals High. And I know, that no matter what I say or do, they will not hear my side.

Honestly, I was partially at fault.

I know I was at fault and I should have stayed behind and sorted the matter. I shouldn't have run away but this was the only option that seemed reasonable to me then.

Any other way would mean I would have to pay for the damages and I really couldn't afford that.

The entire trip is filled with guilt.

I know I am a really shitty person to just leave him there.

We were both at fault but honestly, I don't have the money to even go halfsies on the damage payment.

Also, the way the staff there was apologizing to him and the way they were glaring at me, i highly doubt that they would be open to accepting the fact that it was both our fault.

"Hello, Mrs. Wang?" I burst through the doors of our neighborhood cleaners.

I really hope that she is here.

Please, all the divine energy out there in the universe, listen to my prayer and answer me.

Please, let Mrs. Wang be here.

Of course, Mother Universe had decided to abandon me today.

To my dismay, it isn't the kind-hearted Mrs. Wang who always gives me a discount - something that I was counting on - but her counterpart the hardass Mr. Wang who if he could charge me extra.

He still holds a grudge from when I was little because I broke one of his windows with a baseball.

And he acts like I am the only bad influence here.

I see him come out from behind the neat clothes hung in plastics in a wife-beater and a dark pajama.

As soon as he sees me, a scowl forms on his lips and his nose scrunches.

He makes it known by his expression that he hoped I was a customer who could do some well for his business today.

Luck is on his side because I'm here to give him business.

Today, my fate was really against me.

"What do you want?" he scowls at me and his expression only deepens when he sees the condition I am in.

He highly disapproves of me, I know but now is not the time to dwell on it.

We can have a scowling match later when I am not drenched in coffee with tear stains on my cheeks.

I need him to take my clothes and clean them for me before Monday morning.

"Sorry to disturb you Mr. Wang but I really need your help -" his scowl only deeps further at my statement but I don't stop.

I can't stop. If I do, he may change his mind.

"I had an accident. This is my new uniform. I need it cleaned by Monday morning" I give him my best puppy eyes and pray to all the holy deities in the world that he decides to me.

I placed the soiled bag carefully on the table, making sure that the coffee did not stain the counter.

"What trouble did you get yourself into now? I heard you got into Royals High. School hasn't even started yet and you are already stirring up trouble" he huffs and scolds me.

I just keep my head down peaking at him just a little to show him that I am guilty and reflecting on it.

When I see his eyes soften a bit as he keeps scolding me, I know I am in.

My puppy eyes worked.

I am never a fan of cutesy stuff but I am so happy this worked that I can jump here in happiness.

I would have high-fived myself if wasn't so panicky about the uniform.

He looks at the uniform and huffs again.

"Let me see what I can do. Coffee stains are not easy to remove but I can do it, but I will charge you extra because you need it in a short period of time" he warns.

Of course, he'll charge me extra.

I just thank him and remind him again that I really need it by early Monday morning before walking out of his shop.

I look at my watch.

Lunch rush.


At least something was going my way.

Both my parents will be busy at the restaurant so I could easily slip past them and get changed. They would not notice me and I could go and wash up before they came to the apartment.

As I start peddling through my neighborhood, wind hitting my face on a sunny afternoon, finally free of worry about my uniform, the pretty boy from the uniform store plagues my mind.

Would he be angry at me? I remember him asking about my number.

I couldn't possibly give him my number.

I know he would have asked me to pay for his damage and I couldn't have.

Even with all that I have saved I am sure I wouldn't have been able to pay for even half of the damage.

He must think I am a douche bag for ditching him like that.

It is okay.

I can handle that.

He must also think I am pathetic given how I was bawling my eyes out in front of him.


It's not like I would meet him again right?

Instantly another thought comes to my mind and it is like a hard cold slap on my stupid face.


He was wearing a Royals High shirt. Therefore he goes to the same school as I will.


How did this thought not cross my mind before now?

The whole decision of dashing away before paying or even suggesting to pay for the damage now seems idiotic.

This was a bad decision.

What if I run into him?

What if he is my classmate?

What am I gonna do then?

I come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road and I am thankful there is no traffic cause otherwise, I would have been roadkill.

I park my bicycle at the edge of the pavement and try to gather my thoughts together.

The more I think about what I have done, the more stupid I feel.

He is a Royal as well.

Will he remember my face?

Oh god, what have I done?

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