Chapter 32 - The Lunch Table

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A really tall guy with lean muscles and a perfectly ironed uniform folds himself in the chair beside Bahiyyih.

I stare at him even if I don't want to.

His uniform looks brand new with not even a single crease to be found in a single place. He wears his white shirt and maroon pants with the grace of wearing a tuxedo.

He is not wearing a blazer which only makes his physique more noticeable to the bare eyes.

Not that I was complaining in any means or form.

He has platinum blonde hair that is tousled just the right way. Shorter on the side and long on the top, strands falling over his forehead like it is meant to be.

His jaw, cheekbones, and nose are all angled perfectly as if someone measured them before making him.

All his features are sharp and prominent as if he is a sculpture come to life.

His skin is flawless even with the scatter of moles, and his eyes are sharp, assessing everything like he is evaluating if it's worth his time

He has that kind of lips that are always crooked a little at one end, giving the expression of a smirk. It makes him look bored and intrigued at the same time.

"You're not sitting at our usual place?" he asks as he bites into the grilled fish.

Even his voice sounds husky.


I never thought people were meant to look this good

I mean, every guy I have encountered here has been above average, hell they have been very handsome but he looked otherworldly.

"Well, I made a new friend so I was accompanying her" she smiles sweetly at me and that is when he finally takes notice of me.

His eyes widen a little at first as if he just realized he was not just with his sister here. Then slowly, his eyes travel all over my face as if studying each and every detail with scrutiny.

I feel a little uncomfortable with his stare and the urge to fix my hair and sit properly in front of his assessment is strong.

"Hello, I am Kai" he introduces himself.

He is talking to me.

I open my mouth and then close it again. I am sure I resemble a fish.

Words, Yuri.


"I- uh – I am – My name is Yuri" I finally stutter out, my throat feeling oddly parched and the need to drink water is too much to ignore.

"You're new? So I am guessing you're one of the scholarship students this year?" he asks casually but I know it is not a casual question.

I don't understand the need to ask this question. Scholarship or not, I am a student here, am I not?

I study his face to see if he is looking down on me or if he has a sour or disgusted expression but he just looks stoic, like a sculpture.

Yuri, think straight.

"Uh yes. Yes, I am. Today is my first day" I say and Kai I assume with what Bahiyyih called him looks quizzically at her.

"She is San's friend" she emphasizes on 'friend' as she gives a meaningful look to Kai.

"Oh, now that makes much more sense" Kai sorts and eats a piece of watermelon from the fruit cup.

Bihyiy elbows him in his ribs and he spits out the fruit he was eating. He looks at her with what I can only assume to be an annoyance.

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