Chapter 14 - The Boy With Kind Eyes

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My family took the news in a much different way than I had expected.

My brother was jumping up and down, screaming about how popular he will be at school now that his sister is part of Royals High.

My mother was in tears, sobbing happily as she showered me with hugs and kisses.

Even my father was glassy-eyed, telling me how proud he was to have me as a daughter.

It was a scene straight out of the movie.

My mother insisted on ordering pastries from the local bakery to celebrate and my dad couldn't wait to tell all his friends about how proud I was.

I understood they were happy, but they were also a little deluded.

Even as I told them about the fees and everything extra that was required, which was not covered by my scholarship, they still encouraged me and told me not to worry about a thing.

How could I not?

They had some money saved up that could be put to good use here. There were renovations needed at the restaurant, we needed a proper working washing machine, and my brother had his entire education left.

There was just too much that already needed to be done and I couldn't add to their expenses.

I couldn't spend all my savings right now either because I would need it for college.

However, all my worries were just buzzing to their ears because my mother ordered us pastries for dessert and my father opened up a bottle of home-brewed wine that he kept for special occasions.

The pastry was good but the taste felt bland with the heavy burden of the expense on my shoulder.

My parents called San's parents after dessert even though I told them it was late. They wanted to get in touch with San's dad as soon as possible so that I could ask him all my doubts.

San's dad congratulated me but I didn't get to talk to him much because both my parent took the phone away from me, and asked him about all the requirements for the school while encouraging me to get in touch with San.

I didn't tell them that I already had the conversation with San.

I wanted them to feel like they were the first to know.

Maybe because this was one of the few times in my life, I could make them proud of me.

Just that thought made my heart constrict a little too painfully but I knew that I was right.

I could never have my parents encourage me or be proud of me with the line of career I wanted to choose, so with this, maybe they would be happy, for at least a little while.

Even after San's dad appeased my parents and my worries about the extra fees, I tried to make them understand the cost that would affect us as a family if I were to go to Royals High.

But who was listening?

Both my parents repeatedly told me not to worry about any of it and just focus on my studies and perform well at my new school.

They promised they'd take care of everything.

The worry in their eyes was masked by the brilliance of their smile as they held my hand and told me everything was going to be all right.

And that is how I ended up here, today.

At the uniform fitting boutique that San told me about.

This school couldn't have a normal uniform fitting shop. It has to be this high-end boutique at the upper end of the city.

I look around the pavement, people of all ages going about, doing their own work, minding their own business.

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