Chapter 55 - End of the Hill

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"I-I think - I think we lost him" I pant, slowing down because I didn't think I could run anymore. I would faceplant if I took another step.

Both of us come to a stop gradually, panting and huffing.

I am standing, barely, holding onto the tree for balance because I am sure I will fall if I don't. Yeonjun is breathing hard, both his hands on his knees as he tries to get his breathing to come back to normal.

After a beat of silence, Yeonjun looks up at me, his pink hair sticking to his forehead from sweat and his eyes twinkling in the darkness. He has a big smile on his face. Probably the most genuine smile I have seen him with.

His smile makes him look like a childish boy, with some sort of innocence coating his features which most of the time is missing.

He looks beautiful.

I shake my head to get rid of the light-headedness and I stand up straighter against the tree to gain some semblance.

"That is the most fun I have had in a long time" he laughs and I just stare at him in shock.

"You do realize that we just barely escaped the guard and had he found me with you, I could have been expelled" I reason but he stands up finally and looks at me.

"You came in from a different direction so I assume you were planning on escaping alone. Why did you come back for me?" he asks.

Yes, why did I come back for him?

Because I was stupid, that's why.

I don't answer him because I don't even know what to say.

"And for your information, I would have been expelled before you if I got caught," he says casually and starts walking.

Almost mindlessly I start following him as well.

"What do you mean by that? And where are we going? I think we should head back. My bicycle is still at school!" I yell after him, my legs almost giving up still trying to keep up with his long stance.

Damn him and his long legs.

I hear him sigh loudly and then turn to face me again. I come to an abrupt stop, losing my balance but his hand is on my elbow keeping me up.

"What are you going to say to the guard when he asks you why your cycle is still at the gate? What will you say when he asks you where have you been?" He asks and I open my mouth and close it a few times like a fish but no words come out.

I did not think of all that. I have never been in a situation of such trouble that I had to hatch a plan to get out of it.

He smells funny and his eyes are brimmed red but there is still that twinkle in his eyes. I remove my hand from his grip and take a step back.

"I am sure till now most of the students have left the campus. There is one guard who suspects there was someone and I am sure he has informed the others on duty to keep an eye out for any possible intruders or even notorious students who are up to no good" He speaks suggestively and I glare at him.

"So what's your plan, Sherlock?" I taunt and he smirks.

"My plan is nothing. I have my bike parked in the next block. I'll walk till there and I'll see where I can go from there" he shrugs.

"I heard a lot of 'I' and not a single 'we'" I argue and he laughs.

His sentence makes it sound like he knew there was a possibility that something like this would happen and he took all the precautions beforehand.

RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora