Chapter 51 - Puppy Dog Eyes

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"Hello, People. How are you doing on this fine day?" Beomgyu announces as he takes a seat beside me at the lunch table.

Both Saehi and San stop eating and sit up a little straighter. I just look apologetically at them and then glare at Beomgyu.

"Don't stop on my account. You guys continue eating and chatting. Give me some gossip" he flutters his eyes and places his elbows on the table, eyes twinkling and face alight with a smile.

I look over to the table near the large window. The main table as students usually call it.

As I call it heck!

Cause there is no other way to say it.

The others in his group are sitting there chatting, a very evident Beomgyu-shaped hole in their group. I turn to Beomgyu.

"Why aren't you eating with your friends?" I ask.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he counters.

I roll my eyes.

"I am not avoiding you. Why are you not there and here?" I ask again.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"Answer my question" I defend.

"You're my friend as well. So is San-" he winks in San's direction and San answers with a silent scowl.

"- And Saehi and I know each other since we were in diapers" Beomgyu shrugs and Saehi throws a piece of cabbage at him.

"Ew gross. Shut up" Saehi speaks and I just eye her, silently asking her to explain.

She explained to me who the Royals were and how I should stay away from them but she failed to mention she knew Beomgyu personally.

"Don't go spreading these rumors Beomgyu. You're going to ruin my reputation" Saehi states and Beomgyu feigns hurt and clutches his hands over his chest.

"That's the first time anyone has said knowing a Royals is bad" he pouts.

"That's only because you're not hearing right. Pay attention and you'll find many whose thoughts align with mine" Saehi bites back with a smile.

"Ouch," Beomgyu says with a smile but there is an iciness in his smile that wasn't there before. San and I both sense it and tense up.

I am not sure whether Saehi feels it and even if she does, she does a great job masking it.

"Beomgyu, is there a specific reason why you're here today?" I ask breaking the tension.

"Why yes there is" He turns towards me and gives me his full attention. He is wearing his light blue contact lenses and it is a stark contrast with his ket back hair and pale skin.

I see a few similarities between him and Yeonjun as well as him and Soobin.

It is plausible that he is related to either but when I try to compare Soobin and Yeonjun, it is hard to see any similarities.

I don't think there is anyone who would guess they are related if not told the same before.

"I wasn't going to say anything 'cause I know it would hurt his pride and image. Although I am really impressed that you didn't tell on him to anyone. I don't even think they know" Beomgyu points to San and Saehi sitting opposite me.

I don't know what Beomgyu is talking about and how much he knows.

It is understood he talking about the Royals but I have had embarrassing encounters with each one of them on multiple and repeated occasions.

Neither San nor Saehi knows about all of them. They know a few but definitely not all. And I am not sure which encounter Beomgyu is going to bring up now.

He has a habit of creating trouble.

"What are you talking about?" San interrupts because I can stop Beomgyu from saying something.

"Beomgyu comes with me" I drag Gyu by his elbow and start walking away from the table before he can say anything stupid that will get me into trouble with San.

Saehi will probably brush any comment off and make a joke out of it.

But San will get angry. He was less than happy about the party and when he heard I was with Yeonjun in his room, San had asked me all sorts of questions.

I just gave him a brief about someone puking on me and having to ultimately borrow a clean shirt from Yeonjun.

He didn't believe me fully but I didn't want to explain any further either.

San has been weary about the Royals and whenever I try to prod hoim with questions he just closes up and tells me it is better to just stay away from them.

"Really Yuri, you are a good confidant. I am definitely coming to you to vent my secrets and frustrations from now on" he winks and I hold up my hand.

"Please don't. Everything I know about any of you is by sheer bad luck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time" I confess.

"I could say the opposite. Maybe you were at the right place at the right time" he shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets.

I replay each and every catastrophic encounters I have had with either of them. "I highly doubt it" I finally say.

"What did you want to say before anyway?" I ask after a beat of silence.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot" he slaps his hand on his forehead.

"Soobin is basically really embarrassed about the puking thing and he is too shameful to come to talk to you after that. But he is also so mopey and I can't deal with it anymore" he sighs.

"So?" I understand why he might be embarrassed but I don't understand why he couldn't come talk to me.

"I want you to go talk to him" Beomgyu smiles and those twinkles in his eyes return. I don't like the twinkles in his eyes. They usually are a forecast for something bad that's going to happen.

"I don't-" Beomgyu interrupts me with a hand in front of my face.

"Please. I beg you. And I don't normally beg. I don't what is going on between you two but I can't see him swimming in his self-loathing act anymore. He doesn't have the balls to come talk to you but I assume you do" He looks me up and down as if appraising me.

"So just help a friend out. Call him or talk to him in person. I don't care. Just tell him it wasn't a big deal and you're over it. I will never ask you to do anything else ever again" he folds his hands and starts rubbing his palms.

"Also, I feel like it is partly my fault because I forced you to come to the party and then you ended up getting puke all over you" he pouts.

"So technically if you go and talk to him, I'll feel as you forgive me as well" he gives me puppy dog eyes.

He's diabolical. I sigh.

His puppy dog eyes are going to get me in trouble.

A/N: updateeee!

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