Chapter 69 - Results are Out

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The word spread like wildfire.

Everyone was talking about it.

This was one of the very few instances where every student was talking about one thing and not divided by multiple gossips.

The results were out.

This school did not have the usual list on the bulletin board for everyone to see.

They will email you your detailed report card to your registered student email ID. Later you can go ahead and collect the physical copy from the librarian for your parents to sign as an acknowledgement.

It was a lot of hassle but I didn't have the energy to ponder on that as my entire body's energy was being utilized by my mind to be hyper anxious about my results.

The midterm was over.


The whole month was a lengthy, overstimulated, and sleep deprived month.

I overate and spent countless nights staying awake, hours and hours of revision and solving mock question papers.

All for this day. This was my first result in Royals High.

This result would determine whether they will continue to fund my tuition here or if I will be going back to my old school.

So yeah, definitely not stressing over it.

I know in my gut that I aced all my papers. There was not a single paper where I felt like I could have done better but you never know.

What if I pissed off a teacher unknowingly and now they were taking revenge and failing me on a subject?

I don't want to jinx my chances.
But all my hard work and studying was done. The papers are completed.
Exams over.

"Hey, did you receive your email?" Saehi asked as she took a seat next to me in the cafeteria.

"Not yet. What about you?" I ask.
"Same. No word"

Saehi drummed her fingers on the table, her impatience evident. "I swear, they're probably doing this on purpose just to torture us."

I chuckled nervously, fiddling with the straw in my drink. "Wouldn't put it past them."

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual noise of students chatting, trays clattering, and the distant sound of laughter. But beneath it all, there was an undercurrent of tension, of anticipation mingled with anxiety as everyone awaited their results.

"I just want to know already," Saehi muttered, her brows furrowed.

"I can't take this waiting anymore." she groaned.

"I know, right?" I agreed, feeling the same jittery energy coursing through me.

"But hey, at least we're in this together." I shrugged and she nodded her head.

Saehi managed a small smile, her eyes still betraying her nerves. "Yeah, that's true."

Before we could continue our conversation, a notification pinged on my phone, causing both of us to jump.
I quickly unlocked it, my heart racing as I navigated to my email.

"There it is!" Saehi exclaimed eagerly, leaning over to peer at the screen.
I took a deep breath, my finger hovering over the email.

"Okay, here goes nothing."

With a shaky exhale, I tapped on the message, feeling a rush of adrenaline as the contents loaded on the screen. Saehi leaned in closer, her breath held in anticipation.

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