Chapter 18 - Good News

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I hear my phone ring as I come out of the shower, drying my hair with a towel.

I still feel the stench of coffee on me even after a long hot shower.

Is this why some coffees are so expensive?

Do they leave a stench behind for such a long time?

Thankfully I could get the stain out of my shirt so it also gave me hope for my uniform.

The hope is very slim and it is going to be really hefty in my pocket but still hope nonetheless.

Also, maybe after fate just putting me through a blender of bad luck finally gave in because, by the time I was in front of the restaurant, it was jammed packed for the lunch rush.

So there is a mother universe who decided to spare me for once.

My parents didn't get a chance to see me as I dashed past them to our apartment.

I check my phone to see my mom's name flash on the screen.

As much as I don't want to talk to her, afraid she'll somehow get to know about the whole incident with her mother's spidey senses, I answer.

As soon as I pick up, I am bombarded with questions about where I am, why haven't I texted her once, did I get my uniform, did I have lunch, and on and on and on.

I wait for her questions to die out before I answer.

I know there is no use in interrupting her.

There never has been.

And I also need to come up with a lie for the uniform.

I can't tell her the truth.

I know she'll want to see the uniform but I have to come up with a lie about why I can't show it to her. Otherwise, I am sure my parent will disown me after hearing the story about my spilling coffee.

"Yes, ma I came back home" I don't want to elaborate, scared that she might catch onto my lie.

There is a pause.

And that pause scares the shit out of me because my mother is usually not the one to give the other a chance to speak.

I try to fill the void.

"I got the uniform but they need to do some adjustments so I'll get it on Monday but they assured me that I'll get it before class starts" I don't like lying but I don't have a choice.

She grumbles on the other end about getting the uniform on time and then she follows it up with complaints that I should have come and helped them at the noodle shop if I was back because they were short on staff.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

This is the reality of my life.

Working 3 part-time jobs to save up for college and then work at my parent's restaurant because they are too stubborn to hire adequate staff.

For a moment when I was at the uniform fitting, I felt a little detached from my reality, as if this life here was different from what I had there.

That's probably true but that was a dream and this is real.

This is my real life.

I just sigh and tell her that I will come down in a few minutes.

I cut the call and change into a t-shirt and jeans.

I pack my Hive uniform in my bag because I don't think I will have a chance to come back to the house after my shift at the restaurant.

By the time I reach the restaurant, the lunch hours have died down so it is not so hectic.

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