Chapter 27 - Ring Of The Bell

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I want the floor to open up and swallow me.

I don't want to be here.

I don't want to face him.

This cannot be happening.

I really didn't think I would ever even have to see that person again and definitely did not think about that guy to remember my face.

I was a mess and embarrassed myself more than I would ever care to admit. I definitely stuffed it at the back of my brain in a small drawer with a 'never open' sign in big bold font.

So why would he remember that?

Then again he wasn't the one who ended up crying and dashing without paying for the damage. Maybe that's why he remembers me.

This was not good.

At least now I understood how he knew my name but that raised my previous questions about how he got my details from the boutique.

It also made me question if he was angry at me then why did he send a new set of uniforms?

Was I curious?


Did I want to stand here and talk about it and interrogate him?

Absofreakinglutely no.

He just stands there with a small smile without saying a word and it makes me anxious.

He is very conventionally attractive. 

If it was another situation, my nerves would be for very different reasons.

When I had wished the universe to surround me with cute guys on New Year's, this is definitely not what I meant.

He brings a hand up and scratches his jaw and my eyes narrow onto the fabric again.

Maroon leather.


Stay away from anyone with a leather jacket.

Not only did I piss off the heir of the Choi group but now this guy, another one with a leather jacket, who I am sure, knows Yeonjun.

I mean, of course, this would happen to me. Not only did I piss off Yeonjun but also his friend.

His Cute friend.

Maybe I pissed off more of his friends somehow and I don't even know it yet.

I spilled coffee on this guy and then embarrassed myself by bawling my eyes out and running away. There was no way he wasn't angry at me.

That is the only explanation.

He got my name and address so that he could tell me to pay for the damages. That is the only reason he remembers my face.

Then why did he send me a new uniform? Because he felt bad I was crying?

He would still definitely ask me to pay for the damages right?

I mean, I am not that aware of designers or brands but the chances are the clothes he was wearing cost more that the apartment my family lives in.

I don't think even if I gave away all my savings for college to him, it would be enough for the damage to his clothes, school uniform, and also the boutique.

Shit, the boutique.

They were never letting me step foot in there again.

Maybe the universe took it seriously when I was whining about not wanting to go to this school.

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