Chapter 50 - Rock, Paper, Scissors

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"What are you doing here?" I can't stop the words coming out of my mouth and he's in the same boat because he echos my question.

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, his confusion-laden eyes narrow, and a snarl forms on his lips. He takes a step towards me and I instinctively take a step back.

"What are you doing wearing my clothes?" Another step towards me and another step sending me back towards the wall.

I stare at him.

He is in a similar suit as most of the boys here. Only his blazer and pants are royal blue in color, paired with a white shirt underneath. The pink of his hair contrasts with his suit, making him look striking.

He has this otherworldly sense around him - not necessarily 'I am better than you' - but just an aura that prevents anyone to approach him casually.

The light filtering into the room from the hall illuminates his background, shadowing his silhouette and only adding to the aura. I feel like I am in a trance.

Another step and I register he is moving towards me.

There goes my trance.

It is broken and the reality of the trouble I usually get myself into whenever I am in near vicinity to him sets in.

I panic and look around and try to find any way to put distance between us both. He scares the shit out of me. I am not even registering the word out of his mouth, just trying to find a way I can get away from him and out of this room but it is hard because he is standing at the door blocking the only way out.

My only other option is to hurl myself out of the window and risk breaking my bones.

I am actually looking towards the window and weighing my chances.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?" his voice echoes again and I finally listen to what he is saying.

Wait what?

What was he talking about?

"What are you talking about? I borrowed the t-shirt from Soobin" I point to a now snoring Soobin. Yeah, now he's sleeping.

Yeonjun's eyes narrow even further and his scowl deepens. I feel the temperature in the room drop by a few degrees.

"What. Is. He. Doing. On. My. Bed?" Yeonjun takes a step towards me with each word and I have nowhere to go except maybe dissolve into the wall so now I am stuck to it like a lizard and he has reduced the gap between us by a substantial amount.

This proximity allows me to stare at his recovering wounds. His busted lip is still slightly swollen but doesn't look bad. It is healing well. And there is a light pink scar on his forehead which I am sure will go away with a little bit of no-scar ointment.

Other than these two things, his face looks like a marble statue. He must have hit the gene pool lottery.

Actually, all the brothers did.

On the topic of brothers, I look at Soobin. He looks peaceful as he's sleeping with the blanket over him but all I want to do is slap him awake so that he is between me and this foxy-eyed demon.

"I asked you a question" Yeonjun grits out bringing my stare back to him. His eyes are dark as they stare me down.

"I-I-" I stutter, unable to get the sentence out.

"I don't know what you're talking about okay? Soobin was drunk and he was puking so I brought him into his room and I asked before I borrowed his t-shirt" I defend myself finally.

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