Chapter 58 - Where I Belong

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"So what is going on between you and San?" Saehi asks me as I am leaving my class.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I shrug and she rolls her eyes.

"You guys have been giving each other the cold should for days now and you wouldn't even sit with us for lunch. I don't even know where you go for lunch because I don't see you anywhere" she huffs.

"Nothing is going on really. I mean it. I am just a little busy. I have a lot of studies to catch up on. No matter how much I study, the pressure is getting to me" I answer half honestly. I was really struggling to keep up with all my schoolwork.

After school, I had two jobs to get to and then if I managed to get home on time, I had to help mom and dad with the restaurant. By the time I freshened up and ate my dinner, I was so tired that I did not have much energy left to study. This led me to wake up before dawn to get my studies done.

Basically my sleep schedule was completely messed up. I was not getting enough rest. I was barely eating 2 proper meals. I was overworking myself.

If this continued, I am sure I would collapse soon.

But I did not have any other choice.

And as for San? He wasn't talking to me ever since the night of the competition and I was also kind of pissed off at him. Even Woojin was not speaking to me.

I'll be honest, it is hard. I don't think the three of us have ever fought this way before and we have known each other since we were in diapers.

It is not like we have never had arguments, we argued a lot but it never lasted for more than a day. This time around, I don't think everything will be going back to normal anytime soon.

I did try talking to Woojin when our shifts overlapped at the Hive but he brushed me off every time.

I had to make it up to Woojin. And I wasn't sure where I stand with San. I was willing to admit where I am wrong but I highly doubt San is. I have to wait till he is ready to admit his half of the mistakes. We'll only be able to talk then.

"I can basically feel your brain waves emitting, cursing San. What's up?" Saehi pokes my cheek.

"We just argued. That's it. You don't have to think too much about it. When he is mature enough to admit his mistake, we'll talk" I shrug and continue walking towards my class.

"Well if it helps, he looks like shit and is cranky all the time. Does that help subside your anger a little?" Saehi raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. A little" I smile and we both laugh.

"See you later. I have Chem" Saehi waves and leaves in another direction. I enter my classroom.

Taehyun is sitting next to my place. He is my bench mate. He talking casually to Beomgyu who is sitting in my place and looking at him talking casually with his air of nonchalance makes my blood boil.

I may be angry at San but that does not mean I forgot what he told me that night. Taehyun orchestrated the entire 'accident' that ended up breaking San's bone and putting him on the bench for an entire season.

San was also here on scholarship. I knew swimming was his ticket to his dream college in the U.S.

Thinking that this blonde boy talking and laughing was the one responsible for putting San's entire future at risk makes me want to strangle him with the straps of my backpack.

"You have a murderous look on your face" Beomgyu comments when I reach my place. I just grunt in response and Beomgyu gets up from my place. I take my seat and keep my vision on anything and everything apart from Taehyun.

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