Dancing between the Raindrops

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Yesterday, I woke up at 5 a

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Yesterday, I woke up at 5 a.m. and drank a cup of instant coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a nasty shit. An Indian man named Raj works in Busan. It's Korea's second-largest city. Anyway, Raj was forbidden entry to a nightclub because of his race. This particular establishment doesn't like Pakistanis, either. The owner claims that the men from these two nations simply aren't evolved enough to follow basic rules.

Make no mistake. South Korea is a racist country. But their prejudice against foreigners really doesn't bother me too much. There are a ton of places to get drunk on the peninsula. So if one bar doesn't want my money, then I'll simply take my business elsewhere. No big fucking deal.

I took a quick shower and prepared breakfast for Rice-Boy. I made him eggs and toast. While he was munching on his vittles at the kitchen table, we struck up a conversation. 

I said, "Remember that you have to pay your teacher today. Those starving African children really need your money."

He nodded and smiled. "Somebody dropped out of her club during her class. He didn't want to part with his cash."

"And what happened?"

"She went completely ballistic. She screamed at him from the top of her lungs, calling the poor kid a cheapskate."

"Did anybody hear the commotion?"

He nodded again. "The whole school! Other teachers had to come into the room in order to calm her down."

I laughed and laughed and laughed. Sometimes, I'm an evil motherfucker. I can't really help myself. That's just how I was crafted in the womb.

I caught the bus and made it to my office by 7:30 a.m. Then I called my mother using Facebook Messenger.

I said, "How's Sis doing?"

She shook her head. "Not so well. She's still devastated over her job. But it wasn't the principal who fired her. It was some bitch in the special-education department."

"Who is this woman?"

"A cunt from Cuba."

I let out a heavy groan. "I bet she wants a teacher who can speak Spanish."

Mom took a sip of Coke. "That's exactly what I was thinking. Fucking slag."

"Tell Sis to contact her union rep as soon as possible."

"The principal wants her to let the dust settle. She promised Sis that she'll try to pull some strings with the-powers-that-be."

I lit a cigarette and blew some smoke toward the ceiling. "That's probably not a good idea. The leadership in most schools attend the same country clubs. She's just holding Sis off at the pass in order to maintain the peace. Trust me. Your principal is never your friend. Life simply doesn't work that way."

My day was pleasant but hectic. I've been slammed with copious amounts of work. And I'm not going to lie to you. I'm completely fucking exhausted. So much so that I actually fear for the existence of this fucking blog. But I will do my best to dance between the raindrops. 

I eventually returned home at 6 p.m. I was by my lonesome because Rice-Boy was out playing basketball with his friends. So I ate a bacon sandwich and a large apple for dinner. I also drank a bottle of soju and a big can of beer to take the edge off. I just hope I'm not becoming a drunkard.

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