chapter 1

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Emily's p.o.v

I am Emily black, Sirius's black's daughter. And no I don't have a problem with that, im serious. I am in my third year of Hogwarts and I live with my aunt nymphadora, but I call her tonks. She goes on order business and so I stay with my very close fellow pranksters and friends Fred and George weasly. I have a cousin called Draco, I may not like his parents but he can be a good kid. I really hope he shows his good side at Hogwarts this year. I am quite close to him as I used to baby sit him a lot, tonks got a bit frustrated with that but soon let it go. Now you have learnt a little about me I guess I will get on with the story.

"Draco, hurry up, do you want to be late?" I asked him. "Why do I have to go to this stupid school anyway, why not durmstrang." He whined. "Draco this school is good." I told his sharply. "fine." He hissed. "Draco im going to say bye to you here!" I said. "Why?" he demanded. "Well one you need to wait for your parents who walk slow by the way. Two I want to get a good compartment. And three I want to meet my friends who are weasly's!" I told him. "Ok then... bye" we hugged and I ran off. Tonks had been gone for a week, I hadn't gone to the weasly's though because Draco needed to get his school things and his parents were busy. So imagine my surprise when tonks who I thought I wouldn't see till summer stepped out. "Tonks" I screamed. "Hello em." "What are you doing here?" "Well I wanted to say good bye and I also wanted to tell you that harry potter will be at Hogwarts." Harry potter had been like a baby brother to me and lily like a mum as mine had died. "Oh my god, I wonder if he remembers me, oh of course he doesn't, why would he?" I ranted. "Emily, you can prove it by showing him your locket. I nodded and hoped on the train.

"Emily, you look beautiful." They both said. They were messing but it made me feel good! I giggled as Fred and George hugged me. "Hello fellow prank masters." I said back. "You will never guess who we saw... harry potter." They chorused. "Will you take me to him, I knew him when he was little. He was like a little brother to me. I was there when his parents died."

*flash back*

There was a lot of yelling and lily was screaming. I was tucked in bed, I usually felt safe but so some reason today I felt that something awful had happened. "Avada kadavra." I heard a voice yell in the other room. "Now for your child, Avada kadavra." I knew what those words were the killing curse. Daddy had told me. I whimpered and hoped I wouldn't be found. I was only three but I could tell something awful had happened. The house was silent. I heard a cry, but harry was... I walked into his room and picked him out the cot. I passed lily lifeless body and wanted to scream, but I had to contact someone. I passed a second lifeless body on the stairs; it was james- a tear fell silently. I walked to the end of the hall where lily's bedroom was. It was warm and familiar. I walked to James's side of the bed where his want lay. I couldn't contact daddy- he was on a mission it would have to be Dumbledore. I was little but James had taught me to cast a patronious- In case of an emergency. Mine was a wolf. I cast it and whispered help.

Large footsteps came into the house I cowered on the floor, I was back in my room- so harry could play. "Emily... harry." I gasped, it was hagrid. Hagrid took harry and me in his arms and carried us down. Outside I saw my dad's motorbike and one of my god fathers Remus. (James was my other one and lily was my godmother). "Hagrid, I will take Emily to mine you take harry to meet Dumbledore we will decide what happens with Emily later." Remus took me to his and I slept in the morning I was decided to go and live with tonks and her mum. Tonks finished Hogwarts this year so I would be under her care as her mum was in the order. I couldn't stay with Remus because of his little problem and my dad was an innocent man in Azkaban and only tonks agreed. "Tonks, will I ever see harry again." "yes." She said simply.

*flash forward*

Emily's p.o.v

"Sure Emily." Fred started. "He's with Ron." George finished. They took me to a compartment where Ron was sitting with a black haired boy. It shocked me how much he looked like his dad. "Well harry potter- nice to see you again." I said. "I recognise you." He gasped. "You would, im Emily- Emily black your kind of sister." I told him. I grabbed the necklace but couldn't undo the clasp so George helped. I showed him the picture. "My father, your father, your mother." I pointed it the one frame. Then I pointed to the other. "And you and me. You were kind of like a brother to me." He looked at me and gasped. "You have different hair, but you were there, when they died, you're the girl I've seen in that dream." He said I gulped. "Oh you've been dreaming about me, I didn't know I was that pretty." I turned it into a joke. Fred and George laughed but harry looked confused. "Come on em we have some first day back pranks to pull." We laughed and left.

George's p.o.v

"So Ideas?" Fred asked. "What about some fireworks in the slytherins area make the food blow up?" Emily said. "Good. But it's not enough." I said. After planning and planning... and planning we finally had the perfect way to show were here. "I know exactly how to get the fireworks in. Draco is defiantly getting into slytherin. And there's nothing I wouldn't do to embarrass my cousin." Emily told them. "Is it weird that I didn't know you were related?" Fred asked "yes, she's told up before." I said. Emily laughed. "Let's get changed then we will do this thing." Emily said. Me and Fred stayed to get changed and Emily went to the toilet. "Hurry up you too." She whined. "Sorry can't find fireworks." I told her. "That's because I have them." She told us. Me and Fred laugh at our stupidity. "So these will go off if we chuck something and he either jumps or it hits him." I asked. "Yes. Now come on."

"Draco. Hello cousin." She said walking in. "Emily go now." He hissed. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't nervous." She said. "Nope im fine. You might be my sister but you're not my baby sitter anymore and your certainly not my mother." He retorted. "No I most certainly not. Well look at you being a big brave boy." She said hugging him. Then she slipped the fireworks in his pocket. Then we walked away. "Did you do it?" I asked. "Yes" she replied. "So we just don't give it to him if he doesn't get in slytherin?" Fred asked. "We throw the left over fireworks" she told us and grinned at each other.

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