chapter 12

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Emily's p.o.v

It was the first quiddich match of the season. The weather was looking crap. It Was drenching everything. Oliver was giving us one of his famous speeches while we were doing our famous not listening. When we finally set out and got in the air I could hardly see. I was nearly knocked of my broom twice and then a member of the hufflepuff team sent a bludger my way accidently of course. I managed to duck in time but Angela didn't and nearly fell but was lucky Fred was nearby to help. Oliver had to call for a time out because harry couldn't see a thing. I beckoned him down and we all got under some shelter. "I can't see a thing." Harry complained. I cast a spell to make his glasses water proof. "thanks." He whispered. "Emily I could kiss you." Oliver yelled. George glared at him, "you better not." Oliver cowered back and George looked pretty pleased with himself. We all rose back into the air. We were in the lead. But then everything went cold. I was shaking and I could hear screaming. George came closer as if to protect me. I saw harry struggling. I got out my wand like on the train and screamed." "Expecto patronum." The wolf came out of my wand. It was too late for harry. He started to fall; people were still staring at me for the spell I produced. I raced down to the ground followed by George. Dumbledore cast a spell, harry slowed and hit the floor with a soft thud. "Harry" I yelled running over. Dumbledore came down and went mad at the domentors and they backed off. He put harry on a stretcher. I stood up feeling weak. Remus supported me and handed me some chocolate. I was escorted to the hospital wing.

I wouldn't let madam pomfrey check me over which annoyed her thoroughly. I settled in a chair Hermione and Ron came in clutching something. I gasped as I realised what it was. Harrys broom. Harry stirred and sat up awake. "Hello sleeping beauty." I said to him making Harry's guests (the quiddich team, Ron, Hermione and Remus.) chuckle. He sent me a look and I ruffled his hair. "What happened?" he asked. "Domentors." I replied. "Again." "Harry you have been through a lot they are bound to feel attracted to you (not like that.)" "Im I ok?" "I think so." Ron showed Harry the broom and he looked sad. Madam Pomfrey ushered us out, but not before I sent him a small smirk

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