chapter 22

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Emilys p.o.v

i am soo exited. there is a ball happening in a few weeks time. i love dances, im not too girly but i go full out for balls or any dances.

we filed into magonagals classroom, all of gryfindor, she was teaching us rules, how not to let down godric gryfindor, how to behave, how to not drink alcohol(directed at me and the twins.) and how to dance. I'm a perfect angel why dose she need to bother teaching me these things i have never ever ever ever ever ever ever.... been bad in y whle entire life. i hadnt really been concentrating i just know that the twins were chanting something. "Mr weasly come here." magonagal directed at ron. he pointed to himself. "me?" "yes mr weasly stand up." i chuckled and he glared at me. "ok now mr weasly put your hands on my waist." "what?!?!?!" "my waist." they started to dance, harry and ron were whispering to eachother, i know i would never let ron live this down.

me, vics, ange(unfortunatly), ginny, hermione, katie and fluer were all going dress shopping on my orders. we walked into the dress shop and we took to the racks. i spotted purple, blue and red- my favorite colours (mostly purple). we each picked out three dresses. katie went first- she picked a sky blue dress that flowed to the knee, it had no straps and a heart shaped frame and it showed off the figure. hermione went next- she chose a pink dress that went just to her ankles, it framed her body and flowed into ruffles and it had straps. ange went after but all i know is that she is getting a red dress. ginny didnt get a dress because her mum had sent her one. fluer picked a blue satin dress that went to her knees, it had thin straps and showed off her figure. vics picked a purple dress that fell to her ankles, it was strappless and sparkly, it showed her figure off perfectly. i was the only one who couldnt find a dress. they kept shoving dresses at me. they were all whispering outside, a tear slid down my cheek as i put on a dress that looked like the one my mum was wearing i the picture in my locket. i wiped my eye knowing this was the one( i wont spoil it just yet.) the girls all loved it and i paid.

Victoria's p.o.v

Emily looked beautiful, she was the prettiest out of all of us. she was flawless- maybe it was because of her metamophagus powers. i will never know because the time she showed fluer the real her i was too late to see.

i walked into the common room- tomorow was the ball and i still didnt have a date! i flopped onto a sofa and felt it sink next to me. i sat up to see fred. "hiyya." "hi" it was still really akward after i told fred how i felt. "listen vic, i would completely understand if you said no but would you like to go to the yule ball with me, maybe."

and that was it i was goig with freddie! YESSSSSSSSSS!

Emilys p.o.v

we were all tripping over each other. "vics have you seen my make up." i whined. "bathroom" "thanks" "ok" "vics have you seen my shoes" "desk" "thanks" "ok" and it went like that, i couldnt find anything. i got ready in the bathroom- the girls had only seen the dress but not on me- well apart from fluer. i put on some eye liner and lipstick. i pinned my purple curly hair to the side and put on my black boots with heels and an unnecessary zip on both. i smoothed down my dress- i think you can hear about it now. it was black and heart shaped at the chest. above the silk the lace formed to the neckline and down into sleaves. it was knee length and showed my figure. i walked out of the bathroom- he room was empty except for vics they were meeting us at the entrance.

we arrived and vics descended the stairs first people were ohhing and ahhhing and her. she was beautiful. when she took the last step i turned the corner and tried not to fall. i had a few wolf epistles a few shes hot, a few sluts and tramps and a few shes beautiful. George met me and i took his arm.

Freds p.o.v

victoria looked amazing. i didnt know how to tell her i felt the same way as she did about me. i was in love it was as simple as! i held her tight as we danced. "vics?" "yeh fred?" "come outside with me?" "yeah, its a bit hot in here anyway." i walked out with her. she was cold and shaking. i wrapped her in my arms and kissed her. she kissed me back and smiled. we pulled away and i pushed any hair out of her face. "what?" she asked at my grin. "i have wanted to that for such a long time, you are so beautiful!" i told her. i kissed her again and then whispered, "i love you!" "fred, i love you too." she said. i knew then that she was the one and always would be!

George's p.o.v

she was so georgous. i loved her to pieces. i felt protective of her with all the wolf whistles and people calling her a slut! why people were calling her a slut I'll never know, maybe its because shes prettier. Ginny took our photo to send to mum and ems asked for 2 copy's- one for her dads house and one for her scrapbook.

we danced for hours i held her tight, my arms wrapped around her. we ate some food and had some punch. it was really hot so we then left to sit outside. she fell asleep on my sholder and i took her to the common room bridal style. i lay her on the sofa and kissed her forehead softly. she stired and brushed her hair out of her face. i watched her contently she was the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. she started to thrash about and her hair went green with red highlights- meaning anxious and angry. she was dreaming and i knew it wasn't good but i couldn't do a thing i was helpless!

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