chapter 24

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Emily's p.o.v

George was hard to talk to, he hadnt forgiven himself and tried to distance himself. i felt heart broken, no tears came but i just lost the fun in my eyes the glint was gone, the colour in my cheeks had gone. i lot of people seemed worried my day was just wake up, classes libary to the endo of lunch, classes, libary till end of dinner and then bed. vicky looked at me with sadness and hermione looked at me as if i were dying. but i never cried, i was strong. i wish i could cry and go back to my normal self. i couldnt get my metamorphagus powers to work so i had my normal brown hair but lifeless and i requied alot of make up. i walked into the common room, george, fred and vicky were in there so i didnt sit down i just walked out and went to the libary. i needed to move on but i didnt know how to.

Victorias p.o.v

i felt mad and george for leaving my best friend in this state but i know that he doesnt want to hurt her like he did before. but he just cant see that this hurts her. me and fleur had a battle plan and it was going to be good. "come on better go to breakfast" fred sighed and we all got up. "im going to go get ems, see if she will finally eat, she has been starving herself for two weeks." i said and fred nodded. george looked completly horrified. i turned the corner and listened to there convasation. "she has been starving her self?" george asked fred, "yeah." "why?" "you." george went silent and i went to get emily.

when i got there fleur had mannaged to coax here to come to the hall. i gave fleur a greatful smile and scampered away. i sat with the boys. "take it she's not coming?" fred said. i nodded, "fluer mannaged to coax her out of hiding." just as i answered fleur and emily walked in. god she looked aweful even with make up. george looked up and whimpered hanging his head. people were stairing at her. "take a picture it will last longer." she snapped. "just piss of and eat your food." there was our emily. "backfrom the dead?" i asked. "shove it up your arse." she said pointing to my fork in my hand. i gasped pretending to be hurt. i ate but she sat there akwardly. "whats up?" i asked. "the sky." she said pointing to the charmed ceiling." "i mean with you!" "nothing im just going to go." she went to pick up her bag but i shoved a peice of toast in her mouth and held her mouth shut till she swallowed. "do that again and i will rip your arm off." she said glaring. "year right." i snorted. "wanna try me." "bring it on." and with that she chased me around the hall. i was glad to have my best friend back, and by the looks of it george was to. smirking and all.

we sat down at lunch and i chucked her an apple. she couldnt eat much because she wasnt used to it but she already had colour in her cheeks. george would take glances at her. i sat next to him and emily left ith fleur to try and figure something out. "she's in love with you gerge." "im in love with her too but what if it happens again vics." "she'll know!" he smirked and ran off.

George's p.o.v

fleur saw me and got up from there table in the libary. i walked over. "ems." i said sitting by her. she looked up and i kissed her. "all forgiven?" "always." she whispered kissing me again and i knew like that that she would always be me one and only.

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