chapter 19

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Emilys p.o.v

even with the tri-wizard tornement on classes wer'nt withdrawn and the classes only intencified fred and george's moaning about not being able to enter the tornament. i was a bit upset to but then i thought about the danger and that kind of put me off. but if george had gotten through i would have been thrilled for them, vic of course being the senciable was glad they couldnt enter so they couldnt hurt themselfs. also being the daughter of kind of made her wary of her behaviour. but we both supported fluer when she entered and she would be the one i was cheering for. so it was a very exhilaration point in my life.

"whatcha doin'" i asked george. "brewing an aging potion." i laughed. "you really have your heart set on entering dont you" "yeah of course, how else would i impress you." "you already do." "thats sweet but i really want to do this." "i know you do, and i support you" i said kissing him. "i love you." "i love you too." i said leaving the room to talk to the girls. i used to thin that boys strung that word about either not meaning it or to try and get a girl into bed. but now i know it means something. i know that love is when that person makes you comftable, loves you for who you are and is all yours and lets you know that, thats george. i sat in my room katie, ange, hermione and ginny were all chatting about the tornement i was only half listening. katie smirked at me, "what?" i asked. "you, being in a daydream about george." "am not" "are too." hermione said. i stuck my tounge out at her and they laughed. "no need to be defensive we know you love him." katie said. "speaking of love have you actually said the 3 words." ange said. "yes i have." i said, they looked around shocked. "what did he say?" ginny asked. i just looked at her, they looked at me guiltily. "he said and i quote i love you too." i said. they looked suprized, then they smirked. "oh god for a moment there i though he said nothing." hermione said. "who is this god you converse with." i asked changing the subject. "no changing the subject." hermione said. "when did it happen." ginny asked. "last year!" i said "WHAT!!!!!!" kaite yelled. "last year'' i said again. "and you never thought of telling us?" ange said. "nope" i said walking out of the room.

the next morning we had DADA with the new teacher- moody. "ok everybody myname is alastor moody ex auror. dumbledore asked me to teach here a favour i agreed end of story." he said. "today we will be learning about curses. the mistry dont want me teahing this to you but i think you need to know." he said his tonge flicking in and out like a snake. he took a long swig from his flak before speaking again. "now can anyone tell me any of the curses... anyone? no! mr weasly how about you?" he asked stopping infront of fred. "theimperiouscurse." he mumbled. "pardon boy" "the imperious curse" "ahhh the control curse!" he made it fly across the room, everyone was laughing but i had a still face. "you girl why arnt you laughing." he asked me. "because its no laughing matter." i snapped. "that it is not. it is not funny at all" he said. and he released the spider. "miss bell can you tell me the 2nd curse." he asked katie. she breathed and said, "the cruciatus curse." "ahh the torchering curse." he cast in on the spider. it was wincing and making a sound like screaming. "please please stop it." i begged shakaily. stopped and turned to me. "miss black could you give me the last curse please." i shook my head. "miss black what is the last curse" he asked again. "avada kadavra." i said. he cast it and i ran out of the room in tears. a few moments later george was with me encasing me with a hug. "whats the matter." he asked. "that curse, it killed lily and james potter, almost killed harry and it killed my mother." i said. "your mother, what happened to her?"


we were in hogsmeed but it didnt feel bubbly and spirited like normal it felt lonesome. like something was wrong. mummy seemed to think so, her eyes sparkled with tears as she looked at me. she stroked my head of curls and i nuzzled into her hand. "emily if anything happens i want you to stay strong, especially for daddy." i patted her blonde head and said, "nothing will happen mummy because i love you." she smiled "i love you too sweetheart." "protecting your girl, my my she does look like sirus." i woman will a head of mad black curls walked up. mummy stood up, "yes she does, shes brave like him too." "who shall i get rid of first. mummy or baby." "not her anybody but her." just then alot of people i reconised came running up there was uncle remus, daddy, hagrid, moody and some others but uncle james and aunty lily couldnt come. "ok then its you first. Avada Kadavra" the woman yelled green light shot out of the wand and hit mummy. she collapsed and someone hit the lady but she disappeared. i sat next to mummy and stroked her hair. daddy was crying. "its ok daddy i told her nothing bad will happen because i love her she is just resting now." i told him. tears came down his cheeks and uncle remus picked me up. hagrid wiped his eyes i smiled up at hm but that only made him cry more.

we were all at aunty tonks and her mums house. tonks set me down in the front room some dolls. i could here them talking so i sat and lisened. "how is she going to handle this?" daddy yelled. "she will, you need to help her though!" moody insisted. i could here hagrid blubbering. "how am i supposed to tell her that her mother died?" daddy asked. i gasped and everyone turned to me in the door way. "shes dead?!?!?!?" my lip quivered and a pair of arms lifted me. tonks looked into my eyes and her hair went baby blue, she told me that that either ment she was sad or being calm and comferting. i snuggled into her and i eventually drifted off into an uneasy sleep


"so you see my father went into a depressing state then when he finally recovers two months later it happened again and my dad gets locked up. i have seen it kill three times and not once. sometimes i wonder what if it had hit me? sometines i wish it had hit me and she could have lived!" i was then wrapped into a hug that supported me from collapsing. we then walked back to class together hand in hand as the class ended. i slipped into the class. is it weird he doesnt seem like he usally does, when he usally sees me he tells me stories about my mother and appologises 1 for not saving her and 2 for bringing it up after i have cried. but here he is emotionless. is he possessed?

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