chapter 31

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Emilys p.o.v

we arrived and me, vicky and ron had back up while ginny, luna, nevile, mione and harry talked behind. i saw something. "harry" i whispered. we all stood in a cricle and lucious talked to harry but i turned when i heard the voice of my mothers killer. "itty bitty baby." she said. i turned. "bellatrix lestrange." nevile snarled. "nevile longbottom. hows mummy and daddy?" he cackled. "better now there about to be avenged." he said but i pulled him back. i stepped forward. "cousion." "ah hows your mummy emily? oh shes dead isnt she?" he taunted i lunged at her but harry pulled me back. and we all ended up running. me and vicky stayed together. i saw tonks, remus and ... dad. i ran to him and he pushed me behind. i stood with vicky our wands out. "dad look out." i yelled. "avada kadavra" bellatrix yelled. "no." i yelled collapsing next to my dads dead body, like my dream. "killed mummy and daddy now didnt i?" bellatrix taunted. "i killed sirius black, i killed sirius black." me and harry chased her. remus, tonks and vicky tried to grab at me but i ran. if this was like my dream i was about to... "crucio" someone yelled and i was screaming and writhing around. then the workd went black.

i woke up harry next to me. "finally your awake." harry said. i started to cry. "daddy." harry looked at me and began crying himself. ginny came running in, with vicky and mione. "oh my god. you've been out for ages." she said. she hugged me. i was releised a little while later. i finnished my exams and now it was good bye- not just to hogwarts but to my dad.

i stepped off the train and saw a ginger head with tonks and remus- it was george. i ran forward knowing he was the only one that could sooth me. i hugged him tight and he pulled me to a side. he knelt on one knee. my hands clasped over my mouth. "look, i know this would have been better if your dad well wasnt gone. but i have been planning this for ages. and i love you- this is the right time for me so well will you marry me?" he said. "yes. yes i will." i said tears in my eyes. i kissed him and i heard clapping and squeling from my family and friends. they all came to hug me! "i love you" he whispered. "i love you two!"

it had been two weeks and me and vicky were pacing round waiting for our results. i wanted to make my dad proud. the owl came through. we opened them together. all O's. i screamed. "who murdered who?" remus said. i looked at vicky who was in shock i snatched them- all O's. i screamed again and tonks came running in. "so?" the twins chourused "all O's" we chourused. "amazing now you can both go through aroua training- i heard there were two spots opening up" tonks yelled. and me and vicky screamed. everyone came in to congratulate us.

i looked out of the window, "i did it dad, for you. i did it." i said. "any he would be proud." george said behind me. i turned to him and kissed him- long and hard. i pushed him down and stradled him and you can probaly guess what happened after that.

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