chapter 66

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my wedding dress was gorgeous. it was silk covered in lace with long sleeves down to the ankles. my mum and mrs weasley stood behind be cooing and ginny, mione and Vicky stood to the left getting into their blue sleeveless knee length dresses.

I walked down the stairs after mrs weasley and mum went into the tent outside. dad, fred, harry and Ron stood waiting for us. I walked up to my dad and tapped him on the sholder he looked at me and smiled.

"you look beautiful " he whispered in my ear.

"thank you" i whispered as we walked down the aisle.

I looked at the guests smiling faces and held in my laughter at yet another one of lunas extravagant dresses. I turned my attention to the front where george stood in his black dress robes grinning like a mad man. I smiled back and dad passed me off.

"be good to here or I'll go to Azkaban for something I did commit" dad said lowly before going to his seat. george had terror in his eyes.

then it came to the vows and george started, "emily we've been friends since before hogwarts and we've been together since third year. I can't wait for our lives together and I never would have dreamed or imagined that I would be marrying my best friend"

"george... I've always loved you weather it be in a friendship way or a relationship way. I've always imagined my wedding but never thought it would be as amazing as it it. and that's because of you. your amazing and funny and i can't wait for the rest of our live. and I guess that can start soon because guess what... we're going to be parents" his eyes bludged and many people gasped and i giggled.

"do you, george fabian weasley, take Emily ivory lily black to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"i do"

"do you, Emily ivory lily black, take george fabian weasley to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"i do"

"then I now pronounce you man and wife. you may now kiss the bride."  and we kissed.

the reception started abs george pulled me to the side. "your pregnant? "

"yes." i told him smiling slightly and he hugged me tightly.

"when did you find out?" he asked.

"after I collapsed after the battle" i told him and his eyes widened.

"you fought whilst pregnant? " he asked slightly alarmed.

"calm down, I didn't know and it's all fine"

we sat down to eat and after we'd eaten dad arose. "my little girl. well she's not so little anymore. she's all grown up and starting a family of her own. but I'll say this out loud infront of everyone george. look after her or I'll go to Azkaban for something. I did do" he said before sitting down. I laughted at his facial expression.

after the speeches I danced with dad, remus, James, fred, harry, Ron and many others. then I ended up with george again. it was perfect.

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