chapter 53

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vickys p.o.v

it was with bill and fluer's wedding day. i was happy because fluer was pregnant too so i had someone to talk too. i was curling her hair. i was getting bigger and i was two months pregnant. i went down to dads grave every other day to talk to him.

"vicky is you ok?" fluer asked.

"yes sorry, just thinking about this little bugger." we chuckled.

"the dresses are here." emily squeled from downstairs. we knew how exitable she got. we all met when we were 6, me and emily became best friends with her. but then i went to school with fluer but she is a year older than me. in my fifth year my mother died so i moved to hogwarts for my father to take care of me.

me and my mother were never very close, infact we despised each other. my mother and father were in love but then he figured out he was gay and she was bitter towards me. but me, fluer and emily were best friend we wrote alot and saw alot of eachother.

me and fluer ran down. me and emily had matching dresses. they were so beautiful. they were red and silky, strapples and went to the knee. emilys hugged her slim figure but i had mine larger so not to show off my baby bump too much.

ginny and hermione had blue dresses with thin straps and they were knee lengh too.

fluers dress was beautiful. it was strapless and hugged her curves it was silky with a lace bodice. it was too perfect emily was doing make up and i was doing hair when the minister of magic ordered to speek to harry, hermione and ron. I think it was about dad's will but I'd already had my meeting.

the wedding was just beautiful. that was until the death eaters arrived. "im going to get her out of here, i will be at number 12." emily whispered to fred and george they nodded, she grabbed me and we apperated.

we were there for well over two hours. we hears voices, a squeal and footsteps. "who is it." i yelled. we walked into the halway and saw harry ron and hermione.

"god its just you three." i whispered.

"are george and fred okay." emily asked nerviously.

"dunno, we had to get harry out of there." ron said. we nodded.

"if fred and george turn up can you not tell them were here" hermione said. we nodded.

i fell asleep in a chair and woke in my own bed. i walked down stairs to see fred and george in the front room. emily was asleep in georges lap and i sat myself in freds. we asked them what happened. emily woke up and listened.

"im so glad you and vic went, i couldnt stand it if you go torchered to." george said clutching emily. she soothed him.

"yeah. I know Fred and Vicky wouldn't be able to stand it if they lost the baby. now that mad eyes dead I may need to hide out at grimald place. I think that dad, James and Lily are too. no body knows their back and they need to hid" she says

it must be hard knowing she has to hide

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