chapter 64

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we entered the hospital wing. only the three beds were occupied along with Mrs weasley and sirius standing with tears in their eyes. I had to do this.... I had to save them. I walked over to the three beds and i felt the energy and electricity run through my body. I touched remus's arm until I felt drained. I started again with tonks and then fred before falling to the floor with exhaustion.

"it's not even working" i cried looking up at the still body's.

"no. it is their breathing but not awake... we can take them to the great hall and say we found them unconscious." dad said.

"okay " i said and we levitated the three to the great hall where mcgonagal took them immediately.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD" we heard a slimy voice shout from out side. gasps filled the room and we all ran outside to see voldemort and his followers approaching.

"who is that, Neville please don't tell me that's. who is think it is" ginny whined as she gripped her dad's arm.

"harry potter is dead" he yelled again.

"NOOOOOO " mine and ginnys screams rang out.

"silence you stupid girls. harry potter is dead. so from this day forth you put your faith in me. HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" voldemort yelled and laughter rang out. "and now is the time to declare yourselves. come forward and join us... or die."

"draco" lucius malfoy hissed. "draco, come" draco walked towards his father but not before shooting me a look of devastation... okay that's confusing.

"ah, well done draco" voldemort said as he hugged him. draco walked to his mother who took him to the back. then Neville hobbled forward.

"no Neville don't. please" i said but he didn't even look back.

"well i must say I'd hoped to have better and who might you be young man" voldemort said.

"Neville longbottom " he said and the death eaters laughter rang out.

"well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks" voldemort said but he was quickly interupted.

"I'd like to say something" Neville said.

"well... Neville... I'm sure we'd all be greatly fascinated by what you want to say. please do go on" voldemort said, angry though he was.

"it doesn't matter that harrys gone" Neville started.

"stand down Neville" seamus said.

"let him go on, I want to hear this" i said nudging seamus.

"people die every day. friends. family. we lost harry tonight but he's still with us. in here. and so is everyone else who died here tonight. they didn't die in vain... but you will. harrys heart did beat for us... for all of us. and it's not over" Neville said as he pulled the gryffindor sword out of the sorting hat.

harry rolled out of hagrid arms and shot "confringo " at the snake before leading voldemort off. voldemort went after him but I ran infront of him while everyone watched what. I was doing with pure shock and horror.

"hello. how are you? wait i dont really care. hows the relationship with Bellatrix going?" u askeleton trying to put him off.

"out of my way girl " he sneered

"i didn't want to have to do this voldy. you've left me no choice." i said and I slammed my fist to the ground creating a crack that he would get over in due time.

"what have you done?" he yelled.

"I've given harry time" i said before running to ginny and dragging her In with me as Bellatrix chased me.

me and ginny worked together as we fired curses at Bellatrix while harry fought voldemort.

"ah little cousin... I guess this is the end" she hissed at me and I almost lost my footing button george caught me and I got pulled back by Mrs weasley who stepped in front of ginny.

"not my daughters you bitch" she hissed and then Mrs weasley and bellatrix had the most awesome battle of all time and at the end Bellatrix collapsed as ashes.

"NOOOOOO " voldemort cried getting distracted and harry grabbed his wand.

"avada kadavra " voldy yelled and harry fired it back with "expeliamas" the green and red light merged until the red light pushed the green back to voldy. voldy collapsed to the ground.... dead.

cheers erupted but my eye sight went slightly blury and i felt dizzy. pains shot through my stomach and i collapsed to the ground holding it. dad was the first person to notice me and rushed to my side before carrying me to the hospital wing where madame pomfrey checked me over but only after shooting my dad out.

"Emily. your pregnant"

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