chapter 32

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Emily's p.o.v

today was daddy's funeral. I stared in the mirror. I wasn't the daughter he wanted was I? my hair flopped round my shoulders in its usual messy locks. tears stained my cheeks and I felt as though I couldn't breathe. I went into the bathroom and had a shower, brushed my teeth and dried my hair. I changed into a black thigh length dress with long sleeves. I put on black heels and picked up my white clutch bag.

we walked into the church and I sat at the front fiddling with my paper. the speech I'd prepared. I saw Dumbledore ready to lead the service. everyone had tears in there eyes. Harry was next to me the durslys actually let him away for the day. then everyone stopped and I looked behind me. the coffin was being carried, George, Charlie and Mr weasley were on one side and Fred, Bill and remus on the other.

finally it was my turn to speak, "my dad was the most amazing dad. I knew he was innocent when no one else did. I knew he was accused wrongly. he was murdered by his own family, I never knew a family could be so hostile towards each other. I am glad that daddy is with Lily and James potter now. I know I'm not the daughter he deserves but... but... but" and there it ended. I couldn't Finnish I sat on the ground crying. George and remus were at my side using me and helping me back to my seat.

I walked back into the burrow, "what did you mean by that?" remus said furiously. "by what." I asked. "by saying your not the daughter he deserves!" tonks yelled almost as angry. "I meant that I couldn't be there for him, that I'm not as brave and that I'm not like him or mum." I yelled back. "don't you dare say that, no you were all he talked about." Mrs weasly said hugging me tightly. "really" I sobbed "yes you were, he was so proud." tonks said softly. I just cried wishing my dad were here right now. I need my daddy!

°three weeks later°

me and Vicky were at our first day of auroa training. it was the middle of the Summer and I slept a full 8 hours but I was always bloody tired after the nightmares I kept having. but for now I was on a brake any me and Vicky were going to surprise the twins at there New shop. "come on grab the food and let's go." I yelled excitedly at Vics. I'd always loved jokes. "remind me why you don't work there!" she chuckled "because I want to find people and get back at them for killing innocent people, like James and Lily and..  dad" I said. she hugged me and then we ran.

"georgie/Freddie" we yelled at the same time into the crowded shop. "ladies hello how'd you like?" they choursed. "it's amazing, truly." I said kissing George. then I had up the lunch and we took it up stairs. we ate in silence. "I better go. I'll have a better look when we all come next week. but me and Vicky are going to be late." I said. "ok see you later love." he said giving me a quick kiss. I grabbed Vicky and we apperated.

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