chapter 36

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Emily's p.o.v

I pulled my trunk behind me as I walked through the barrier. after thinking I wasn't going to return last year I felt odd. I was coming back to Hogwarts but not for the same reason as everyone else. but to find out about a d learn to control the extra powers I posses.

I kissed George passionately as this would be the last time I see him before Christmas. a tear rolled down my cheek and George wiped it away with his thumb. he gave me a reassuring smile and I knew this was the only way to stay safe. "love you emily" "love you georgie." I kissed his cheek and said goodbye to everyone before finding a compartment with Ron, Harry and Hermione.

I tuned out of the conversation but I know they were talking about the ceremony we had witnessed a few days before. Harry left the compartment and the two turned to me. "ems what do you think that ceremony was. was draco becoming a death eater?" Ron asked. "I don't know but I wouldn't put it passed him." I said. they looked at each other knowing that Harry could be right.

we got off the train not being able to find Harry. we had our bags checked. I felt really out of place. I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, converse, a pink tank top and a purple and grey hooded jumper. so yeah I stuck out like a sore thumb. I got odd stairs from people as if to say what the fuck are you doing here.

I sat at the table with Hermione who was worring about Harry not being here, a calm Ginny and a Ron who was stuffing his face. "can you just stop eating your best friend is missing." Hermione yelled. "calm down you lunatic he's here." Ron said pointing. "he's covered in blood why is he always covered in blood." Ginny said. "I'm always wondering that." I said. "looks like its his own this time" Ron said. "where we're you." Hermione hissed. "later. what have I missed." Harry asked me. "the sorting hat being as brilliant as ever." I said sarcally. and Dumbledore gave a speech that I tuned out of and we all went to bed.

I woke around 6 am and was now eating breakfast at half past. I really couldn't sleep. being here made the death eaters after me so much more real. I must have been in here a while because Harry and Hermione entered with Ron who doesn't get up till around 8. "how long have you been in here" Harry asked "what's the time" I asked. "half 8" "2 hours." "wow how come" "couldn't sleep knowing there after me." "Oh well we better get to class"

"okay just breathe you remember what you have to do to read a mind." Dumbledore asked and I nodded. I did it I was in his mind. "your hand. you put on a cursed ring. your dying does Vicky know." I asked. "no but it won't kill me for a long time I have chance to tell her. "ok. so this slugghorn guy you need Harry to be collected by him for a memory." I said "yes and he may need your help. I need you to help him. once I have told him. you'll be in this together. we three will figure it out. horcroxes do you know what they are?" "no" "they are objects that contain part of the soul. with them the person cannot die unless the objects are destroyed. like the diary Harry destroyed in his second year. I need to know how many we need to find and destroy them before voldemort can be Truly killed." "yes I will help in anyway possible" "Harry is not to know yet." "okay. I will see you Friday" "good bye look after yourself and keep an eye on Harry."

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