chapter 25

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George's p.o.v

it was the day of the first task and me and Fred were taking people's bets. half betted for Harry and half for diggory. so far emily hadn't been seen but I'm sure she'll show. "heyy Vicky any sign of emily yet." I asked as she came over. "no but we need to get on the boats, I'm sure she will be along shortly." she said taking Fred's hand in hers. we went to the boats and waited for it to start. the whistle was blown and everybody dived in except Harry.

Harry's p.o.v

there was a choking sensation and I was pushed in. I felt like I couldn't breathe but then I could. I had gills and webbed hands and feet. I flipped out of the water and dived back in with a lot of cheers. I swam through the reeds and there were grindilow. I thought I was lost but then I heard the song from the egg. I followed it till I found the mermaids and 4 suspended people cho Chang, emily, Hermione and a little girl. but which was mine, I had a crush on cho, Hermione was like my best friend and Emily was like my sister. I had to get emily and Hermione. Cedric came through grabbing cho, pointing to his watch then upwards. I nodded and tried to set Hermione and Emily free. a merperson grabbed my wrist, "only one." it hissed. Krum grabbed Hermione and I realised I was out of time. but fleur hadn't shown up yet. so I hit the mermaids with spelled and grabbed the two left over girls.

George's p.o.v

I couldn't believe Emily was missing this, it was awesome. but then her head bobbed up on the water, she rubbed her eyes and helped the little girl beside her swim to shore and Harry close behind. I ran down followed by Fred and vics. I kissed Emily and hugged her, she was shivering in the towel and blanket. "miss me georgie." she asked. "course been wondering where you got to." "I love you" "love you too."

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