chapter 29

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Emilys p.o.v

"whats wrong with you?" hermione asked as her, harry and ron sat with me, vicky, george and fred. "shes just grumpy because she caused a screaming match with herself and a teacher." george explained putting his are round me, with this fred ended up wearing miones pumpkin juice! "you did what, seriously emily at this rate your going to get a detention or expelled." hermione said. "i already have a bloody detention with toad face herself." i said. "who might you be calling toad face miss black." a sickly sweet voice said over my sholder i shut my eyes, took a deep breath and turned around. "you" i snarled. she looked taken aback. "detention tomorow night, my my we are not getting off to a good start. name calling is rude especially towards teachers." she said. "does it look like i care?" i asked getting up and storming off.

Harry's p.o.v

me and the others were completly shocked by emilys out burst. "to a teacher. whats wrong with her?" hermione said. "im going to go find out, i will use my brotherly charm to get it out of her, if that fails we will use george for the boyfriendly charm." i said they nodded but george said, "what about doubling up boyfriend and brother. she wont be able to resist." george laughed but everyone including me thought it was a good idea and with that we walked towards the common room.

we sat either side of her. "ems whats wrong." george siged. she sighed and a tear rolled down her cheek. "eveything, voldemorts back and there a crappy teacher and whats more i have these dreams ones where dad gets killed while voldemort and his death eaters are chasing us and there another one but i cant quite make it out." she cried leaning into george. we soothed her for a while. but i couldnt help but wonder if it could happen, could these dreams be real- i wondered that about my own sometimes. like the dream i had before i came to school last year and this years dream where i relived the grave yard. i hoped it wasnt but in going to write to sirus- just incase!


-i wanted to let you know that emily is having a rough time at the moment. she had a

-yelling match with a teacher and has got herself a detention because of the stress. i

-think -she needs to talk to you but wouldnt write herself.


Emilys p.o.v

when i stopped crying i went upstairs to have a shower- i had a free period so i spent it calming myself down. when the day was over i headed to umbridge's office and met harry. "harry what you doing." i asked. "i had a go at her for calling me a liar." he said. "oh" and with that i knocked. "come it." said that sickening voice. i walked in and sat at one of the desks. "today you will be writing lines mr potter write i will not tell likes and miss black write i will keep my opinions to myself." she said. "how many times." harry asked i was keeping my mouth shut to stop my agression showing. "lets just say for the message to sink in." she said. "you havent given us any ink." i said. "you wont need any." i wrote i will keep my opinions to myself on paper. a burning sensation on my hand formed and i looked to see the words eched onto my skin. i whinced but i wouldnt let that old toad see- i wouldnt give her the pleasure. so i wrote quickly and before long the paper was full. the blood made me feel sick- she had made write in my own blood.

she looked at the paper and told us we could go. i got up but it wasnt till outside till i fell in a heap of dizzyness. i looked at my hand which was pouring with blood harry wrote slow so he didnt have as much blood pouring. harry helped me into the common room and gave me a tissue to wipe my hand. i couldnt let george see this or any of the others and especially not my dad.

i walked into my detention on the second night and decided to write with my write hand. i could write with both it was just easier with my left. i could hardly write or move my left so i would have to use my right. this tiime i would be writing 'i will not be cheeky'. when i left i wast dizzy and there wasnt as much blood but i could tell that i would have to hide.

"emily why are you avoiding me." george said i had been avoiding him for 3 days and i tried to walk off but he spun me round and took me left hand in his. i whinced and he lifted it up. "i will keep me opinions to myself. was it that old cow." he said with anger. i nodded. "is this why you've been avoiding me?" i nodded. "god ems you can tell me anything" "i know i was just worried how you would react." "dont worry," "well in that case." i lifted my hand and showed him the other hand.his eyes were filled with anger but they then soffened and he cupped my cheeks and gently kissed me. "love you." "i love you too georgy"

to my room and saw a letter on my bed.


-harry told me you are having problems and you yelled at a teacher. i am supprised and i

-dont know how to react but tonks and remus think its funny. anything you want to talk

-about baby girl im here.

-dad x

i read and immediaty wrote back.


-im fine now she just made me write a few lines. im okay. nothing to talk about. see you

-soon maybe? love you

-emily xx

i sent it off and crawled into bed!


"daddy no! look out!" i yell "avada kadavra." a curly haired woman yelled. dad dropped to the ground. i ran to him but it was too late he was dead. me and harry ran after the woman. "you killed him, you'll pay" i yell. "crucio" someone yells and it hits me. i scream but it starts to fade away.

*end of dream*

"ems you alright?" vicky asked. "yeh fine dont worry just a bad dream." "okay. night" "night." i lay back but i couldnt go back to sleep after that.

(a/n yay my longest chapter ever! who liked it?)

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