chapter 23

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Emily's p.o.v

it was nearly time for the second task. it was getting closer and the dreams were getting stronger. I was spending more time with Harry because of them. not just so I can protect him, but so I can be with him if he needs it. vics was still with me a lot but she and Fred are officially an item. "have you worked out the first task." I asked Harry. "sort of, well I think it has something to do with the black lake and they are hiding something important that we care about." he said. "what do you think it would be?" "I don't know, I don't really have anything precious exactly, except maybe my broom." "what if it isn't something, what if it's a person." "well, yeah but it can't be someone from outside school. inside maybe." "who would it be..." "well three people." "who are these three people." "Ron or Hermione because there my best friends." "third?" "you." "me, why?" "because your like my sister." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "what the hell is going on in here?" someone yelled. it was George. "nothing." Harry said quickly. "your avoiding me, you just kissed him, your always with him. your cheating on me?" George yelled at me. "no George he's like my brother." "it seemed like that." "George what's wrong with you." "what's wrong with me is we're over." my eyes widened and I felt like I couldn't breath. tears were rolling down my face I couldn't believe it and I ran upstairs. I cried into my pillow and fell asleep.

George's p.o.v

I couldn't believe what I just did, I don't know why? it felt like I was being forced, I was saying it but not thinking it and I couldn't stop myself. I love her I know she wasn't with Harry. I sat up on my bed as Fred came in. "and you broke up with her why?" he asked me, clearly angry. I tried to speak but I couldn't get it out. "what does it have anything to do with you." I yelled though I wasn't thinking it. it was happening again. "because she is my best friend." he said. "well maybe your with her too. is she a slut?" "why would you say that." "because she is a cheat and a liar. so are you piss off I wish you weren't my brother." I yelled in his face. I ran off. I had to get away-I don't know what is going on but I have to get away before I do something else stupid.

Fred's p.o.v

I stood shocked. something was wrong with my brother, this wasn't him. I know that, he looked confused when he spoke like those weren't his words. I went downstairs where vics was comforting emily. "what did he have to say for himself." vics asked, she was pissed. "is there any spells that control you?" I asked. "yeah why?" emily asked dropping her hands from her tear stained face. "I think he's under it. he keeps acting confused as he speaks and its weird." I said. "imperious?" the girls choursed. "we need to find him. where is he." Emily asked. "not sure he ran off." I said. "I may know" she said and ran off. me and vics followed her to the one eyed witch passage. he was sobbing, my brother. something was wrong. "George." I said. he looked up, his eyes looked scared. me, vics and Emily took him too the hospital wing. Dumbledore and magonagal ran in and we were ushered out.

George's p.o.v

I woke up to see emily, Ginny, vics, Fred and my mum by my bedside. Emily was awake. "what happened." I asked "you were under the imperious curse." she cried and looked away. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." "I know." she kissed me passionately. I looked at her, she had her hands in mine stroking my hand and I soon fell asleep.

(a/n ahhh, so someone is trying to get to emily but who and why?)

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