chapter 27

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Emily's p.o.v

it was the day of the first task. me and George walked up to the rest of the weaslys, including Mrs weasly and Bill, and Hermione. we all gathered round to watch Harry. I couldn't say I wasn't nervous, that would be a lie, I was terrified for my 'brother'. I cuddled up close to George and hid my face as Harry ran in. Harry couldn't see out but we could see it. seeing how the other champions were struggling and Harry wasn't I smelt foul play. but who would be getting Harry to win.

it had been half an hour and harry was racing diggory to the cup. diggory was tripped and called for help. harry freed him and they agreed to take the cup together. they reached out and as they took it they disapeared. "please please please tell me this was part of it." i yelled at the minister. they looked worried and ignored me. "you bring my brother back now!! this wasnt part of the bloody tast was it?" i screamed sobbing uncontrolably by now. mrs weasly, ginny, Vicky and hermione were trying to comfort me while the boys stood around akwardly hoping for answers. we were all really worried.

it had been just over an hour when they returned. i sprinted to get to my brother the music that had started stopped again. people were screaming bloody murder and sobbing. this only made me run faster, my only goal- get to harry.

i reached the bottom but nobody would let me through. "Harry! HARRY. please let me through. Harry. Please." i cried. nobody moved, but suddenly there was a soft whimpering. "e-emily." he stuttered. "everyone let the girl through. she may be the only one to get him to listen." dumbledore spoke and everyone moved aside. i ran and knelt down by harry."harry its okay, im here everything will be okay." i said gently. "he killed cedric, it was him. voldemort! VOLDEMORT IS BACK. HES BACK!" people started whispering but i pushed it to the back of my head to comfort harry. "its okay. your safe now. let cedric and his father say good bye. come on harry get up." hary who had been clinging to cedric now clung to me like a leach as i helped him "over here. follow me." moody beckoned. i followed soothing harry. we reached his office and i helped harry sit down. as i stood up moody held out his wand and i hit the floor my world going black!

i woke up with harry and george either side of me, ron, fred, bill and mrs weasly at the end and hermione, vicky and ginny at the foot of my bed when i sat up they all jumped. "emily are you okay." george asked. they explained to me how moody was an imposter who had been hiding the real moody in a case. he had put harrys name in the case. he had shot me with a spell as a threat to harry and i had been out for 16 hours. "whats the time?" i asked groggly. "nearly 9, we better get going mum." bill said and they bid good bye and left. i was let out soon after.

we sat in the hall that afternoon i could hardly hear what dumbledore was saying, i was crying too much. i was cuddled into george- i may not have known him too well but he had ben a kind person, he had helped me in the libray when trying to find something and suggested certain things for quiddich or homework. he would be missed. i saw cho chang crying her eyes out and harry looking like e had been punched in the face.

i packed up all my things and sat on my made bed- it was weird how unsafe i felt inside. i walked with george hand in hand to the train and we joined fred, lee, harry, ron, ginny and hermione in a compartment. i staired out into space till we arrived. i hugged everyone good bye and walked up to tonks. she pulled me into a hug and we apperated home. this didnt feel anymore safe than hogwarts. what i really needed was my dad. "tonks when will i see dad?" "we can go tomorrow, the weaslys will be joining us a few weeks after along with hermione then we may have harry depending on events. but once you get there you wont be allowed to mail him." "why?" "dumbledore says he may be able to penatrait his mind, find where we are and well you know the rest." i nodded and went to bed.

i woke up next morning and changed into some skinny jeans, a tank top and my boots before washing my clothes so i could take them to dads. i went to eat my breakfast feeling a bit more joyful. "so tonks hows it going with you and remus." "still nowhere. emily, do you think he loves me or not?" "i think he does, he is just worried because of the warewolf side of him."i told her and she sighed. "i could love him anyway even if he is a warewolf- i love that man." "tell him then tonks, whats the worst that could happen." "your right, but what if..." "don what if me" i yelled running out of the room to go and pack my bags.

i met tonks downstairs she took half my things and i had the other. i could also aparate now but considering i had no idea where this place was i grabed tonks arms and we appeared there. she waved her wand and a house appeared. we walked up and came inside, "DAD YOU HOME." i yelled. a portrait started screaming and dad came running through. "whos that dad?" "my mother." "okay. SHUT UP GRANDMOTHER." she shut up momentarily before starting again. i plled dad into a death grip and we went to have dinner.

it was the end of the holidays harry had fought of two dementors and had a tril now we were bording that scarlett train for our last year. i held geoges hand as i stepped on. we sat in a compartment with fred, lee, and victoria. we were remanicing about the old days. we and victoria talked about our n.e.w.t.s and helping collect money for fred and george who were talking about the joke shop. not taht they needed the money as harry had given his prize fund to them we just wanted to do something special for this year. when the train pulled up. i linked arms with george on one side and then with victoria, and victoria with fred. this was the begining to our last year!

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