chapter 60

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"we're back" remus called after me, him and lily entered a pale blue cottage with a cream door.

"good... have... Emily?" dad said.I ran into his arms and he burst into tears along with me.

"it's me daddy" i said between my sobs.

"oh baby girl we've been so worried, I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. come on want to meet your godson/brother. " he said and I nodded so he led me into a royal red living room.

"moony... padfoot have you been crying?" James asked, with a mixture of confusion and worry.

"well you would too if you'd had this gift." dad said stepping aside to reveal me to the 4 people in the room.

"Emily" they cried.

"James... mum... tonks... and this must be teddy " i said hugging each of them and finnishing at the crib.

"yes. this is teddy, want to hold him?" remus asked.

"course I do. who do you think I am?" i asked and tonks passed me teddy.

"meet teddy remus lupin" tonks said and I smiled at the little boy.

his hair suddenly changed to a bright turquoise and i laughted and changed mine to match. he was beautiful, once he finally settled for his original features he had sandy brown hair and blue eyes. he was so tiny.

"Emily is that you?" a voice came from the door way.

"hello aunt andromida " i said putting teddy back in his crib and hugging her.

"Oh darling we've been so worried." she said giving he a hug that was almost as bad as mrs weasleys. but not as bad.

"come on em. let's go to the weasleys" dad said and I took his arm.

we landed outside an unfamiliar red brick cottage. "is this the right place?" i asked and he nodded.

"Molly?" he called and a exasperated woman came bundling out of the house.

then she spotted me.

"EMILY " she yelled tackling me in a hug.

"hello Mrs weasley. " i gasped as I struggled for breath.

"mum are you okay... I heard a yell" a voice belonging to fred asked.

Molly let go and stepped aside. "Emily's home"

"Emily. oh god we've been so worried. VIC. come out here" he yelled.

"fred... Emily" oh I've missed you. come on let's get a moping george out of his room." she said as she dragged me up.

"what's up" george called after vic knocked.

"i have a present for you" she said.

"not falling for that again" he called and vic dragged me in.

"you might want this one" she said shoving me into his lap and leaving.

"Emily?" he checked touching my cheek.

"yes. oh i missed you" i said hugging him tightly.

"i missed you to. I've been so worried. I can't believe your here... it's you... it's really you" he breathed. he cupped my cheek and kissed me deeply.

"i love you george weasley"

"i love you Emily black"

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