chapter 17

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emily's p.o.v

at 3 o'clock i awoke reeling from the bad dream, i couldnt remember what exactly happened just that alot of people died. i tried to get back to sleep, i still had 2 hours left till i would have to wake up. i couldnt sleep so i got changed. i put on my green tights and green top, my black skater skirt and my oversized checked shirt. i made my hair go green and left it curly- i didnt have the energy to change it. i put on some lip gloss and some mascara and sat on the window ledge.

"girls, oh your up em." i turned around to see hermione. i gave have a hug and we woke ginny. "ok you take ron and harry i will take the twins." i said and she agree. "morning boys" i said jumping from one bed to the other. i finally was pulled down into george's arms and pushed off. "leave us alone." "no yor mum has breakfast ready." i ran down stairs and was chatting to mrs weasly. i was half way through breakfast when the twins came down. finally. we soon left the house and started walking. "how are you so awake." ron complained. "been up for hours." i shrugged and sliped my hand into georges. "dad where are we going." ron asked. "havent a foggiest." he replied. "arthur, its about time son." "sorry amos some of us had a bit of a sleepy start, everyone- this is amos diggory he works at the ministery like me" then i boy jumped out of a tree- "and this must be cedric" me and the girls glanced at eachother. when i though it was safe i said, "well, well- cedric's hot." i said to them they giggled and nodded. " dont let george here you say that. "i wont george is perfect anyway." i said. "i heard all of that." said a voice behind me. i bit my lip and the girls chuckled. i turned to george. "but thanks" i hugged him, "i love you ems" "i love you too george." the girls awwed and then we carried on, george with me to make sure i wasnt talking about anymore boys. we got to a boot. and touched it. "3...2...1" arthur said and we were spinning we all landed on out butts but cedric, amos and arthur didnt. we were sent in sepperate directions to find our tents.

the tent was massive and amazing- unlike a muggle tent it was small to the eye out but in it was like a home in its self. "get out the kitchen, were all hungry." aurther said to ron. "yeah, get out the kitchen" the twins coppied. "feet off the table." he said to the twins. "feet off the table" they coppied and then they put then back on. "girls pick a bunk and unpack." he said to us. i took a top bunk and so did ginny and hermione took the bunk above me.

"bloody hell dad, how far up are we?" ron asked. "lets just say- if it rains you will be the first ones to know." a cold voice spoke behind us. "were in the misters box, by personal invitation." draco said slimely. "no need to boast draco" said lucious dragging him. "theres no need with these people. "he sneered. harry turned around and put his hands on mine and hermiones sholders. lucious caught his sleeve. "enjoy wont you- and emily if you need better company." "piss off why would i ever need you as company." i hissed and grabbed georges hand. we walked off well i strutted because i wanted to. the match was amazing there was alot of cheering- we were at the top. we cheered at the top of our lungs. irland won!!!!

the twins were dancing around the fire singing. there was alot of noise outside. ron stepped forward. "theres no one like krum." he yelled. "krum? dumb krum." the twins chourased. "he's like a bird the way he rides the wind." the twins started being birds screeching dumb krum. ron ignored them. "hes more than an athlete." i laughed and said, "dumb krum?" ron ignored it, "hes an artist." "i think your in love ron." me and ginny said together laughing. "viktor i love you." george sang, "viktor i do." fred sang. "when were apart my heart" i sang then everyone joined in, "beats only for you." we were all laughing. "sounds like the irish have got there pride on!" george said "stop, stop it, its not the irish. we have to get out of here." arthur said. i jumped up and we all ran out. "get out, its the death eaters." someone screamed. "get to the port key, stick together. fred, george, ginny and emily are your responsability." arthur yelled before running off. george grabbed my hand and fred grabbed ginnys. we ran but got split from the other 3. there were people in hoods and masks. it died down after a while we came out of hiding and ran to find everyone. i saw the dark mark in the sky and pointed it out to the other 3. ron, hermione and arthur came to us with a rather beaten up looking harry. we grabbed a port key to return home.

we got to the burrow and a worried mrs weaslys came running out of the house. she gave us all a hug. we went inside and i sat with harry. "you saw a man, who was it?" i asked. "i dont know he just pointed his wand to the sky and it was there." he told me. "they dint find a man." "what did they find." "not sure- they wouldnt tell us" "oh." "yeah"

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