chapter 61

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a.n. this ones dedicated to @Fincheleverlasting she has been so supportive during writing and she's encouraged me to finish writing while I wasn't sure weather to delete it or not. so thank you so much.


george and i lay on the emerald grass looking up at the clear blue sky. vic and fred sat somewhere behind us playing with their son - Owen albus weasley. I guess its the curse of giving birth to boys at the moment. Owen is such a cutie and he's my godson!! wow I'm a popular pick. and you'll never guess who else is now pregnant... lily. what is it with all these women and getting pregnant. well I guess James and lily deserve it as they didn't get to raise their son. but I wonder how harrys going to take it. he's only just got his parents back only to have their attention taken away by a new baby.

I spend most of my time with george and go back to aunt andromidas place for dinner. so I spend that time with the other half of my family.

I know that fred and vic have been arguing lately. it's about the up coming war. Vicky wants to fight with everyone else. claims it's her battle too. which it is but we all know that she wants to avenge her father... perfectly reasonable. and fred argues that she needs to stay with their son... make sure he has a life with at least one of his parents. she then retaliates with Emily loves us right and walks away.

it always hits me kind of hard she's putting her life in my hands. and if I can't save her then it's all my fault. all my fault. I mean I could die as well or I might loose my power or what if... oh i dont knowing just scared.

I let a silent tear slip and quickly wipe it away before anyone can catch me but it's too late because george caught me.

he takes me inside away from everything and we curl uo on the sofa... no questions asked.

I then go home and eat only to repeat this pattern the next day.

oh it sucks to be in the middle of the war!!!

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