chapter 58

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it was a particularly boring day when harry and ron tumbled into the dungeon. harry looked at me with relief and ran over to me, wrapping me in a hug.

"oh, Emily are you okay?" he asked.

"yeah I'm fine but what month is it?" i ask.

"about april" he says. "i think."

"i missed georges birthday and freds and the birth of Vickys baby" i cry as I sink to the floor.

"it okay" luna comforted. "hello harry"

"hi luna"

"Mr harry potter" came a squeaky voice.

"dobby? " he asked. whose dobby... that sounds like the name of malfoys old house elf... but how would harry know him.

"dobby, is that you" he asked.

"yes sir, it is dobby. " he said and malfoys old house elf emerged. oh i liked him.

"dobby can you get us out?" harry asked.

"yes sir" he said unlocking the cell.

"take Emily, luna, mr ollivander and the goblin somewhere safe. would you come and get us after" he asked.

"yes sir. dobby will take them" dobby said and ron and harry ran off. the 4 of us gathered around dobby and he took us to a beach before dissapering.

the golden sand seemed warm and soft compared to the cell we had been inside. the sound of the lapping waves were comforting and lunas dreamy look was yet again plastered on her features once again.

about ten minutes later ron, harry, hermione and dobby appeared and i ran to them. Hermione was pale and seemed to only just of regained consciousness, Ron was okay and harry seemed fine but he was holding dobby. dobby was loosing blood at a rapid place. he was gone.

"why don't we shut hos eyes, make it seem like he's Asleep?" i offered. harry nodded and we shut his eyes.

"ron???" a man's voice echoed and we all whipped round. it was bill.

"Emily!!" a blonde woman, a.k.a fluer, yelled as she launched herself at me.

"fluer" i breathed and she took me inside.

we watched harry bury dobby and i shed a few tears. fluer hugged me a lot until we heard a baby's crying. "i almost forgot to introduce you too" fluer said.

"i almost forgot you'd been pregnant." i said looking at her little boy.

"meet jack William weasley" she said holding him out and I took him. he had tufts of weasley red hair but fluers crystal eyes.

"he's beautiful" i cooed.

"tonks had the baby. it's a boy. teddy lupin" Bill said after he walked into the room.

"awh. my brothers born. do they know I'm back" i asked.

"only remus. he wants to take you back as a surprise. though lily might know because she interupted when I mentioned harry so I don't know" he said.

I can't wait to see my family.


a.n. okay so I do know that fluer and bill never had a son before the war. I know they didn't have another son beside Louis but I made him up... it is a fanfiction!!!

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