chapter 26

705 16 19

unknown p.o.v

i stood at the entrance watching emily black, fluer delecur and Victoria Dumbledore. I hope one of those girls will be mine. Victoria is most likely considering I keep seeing her boyfriend die. it will happen in the battle of Hogwarts. then once he is dead I just need to make her mine. being a slytherin people assume I am a death eater, which I am but people just assume. I watched Victoria running around be for pushing emily and fluer into the lake. when they came up they looked absolutely stunning. Emily grabbed Victoria's ankles pulling her in. "piss of you blonde bastard." Emily yelled at me and I scarpered away.

(a/n tell me who you think it is! you can probably guess but I didn't try to hid it too much, but for those who don't he will be revealed soonish)

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