chapter 47

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Emily's p.o.v

I'll give you a quick recap from before this moment as right now I am waiting for Harry to return with Dumbledore.

so after an attack on a student using a curse and a cursed necklace Harry became suspicious of draco malfoy, so when that student returned and draco looked petrified Harry went running after him. I followed of course but when I arrived Harry shouted a spell and draco fell to the floor covered in blood. I screamed and ran.

after not speaking to Harry for a while because I didn't want to believe what he had done Ginny told me she had taken Harry and the book and gotten rid of it. Ginny also told me she may or may not have kissed him.

shortly after that Harry took the liquid luck potion he was awarded and went to go find slugghorn. I went with him to see it all role out and it was like Harry was on drugs, he was so hyper. it was hilarious! finally he got the memory.

the next evening we watched the memories and Dumbledore worked out that there were 7 horcroxes to date and he knew where one is and for some reason he needed Harry with him to get it. they left three hours ago and that brings us to now. Ron and Hermione are waiting for us and getting ready to contact the order if anything should happen


Harry and Dumbledore are stood in the middle of the tower. Dumbledore looks faint and is leaning onto Harry. with my help we set the man down and I look to Harry in confusion.

"what happened?" I asked looking at Dumbledore alarmed

"he drank.... a potion... to get... the... horcrox out... now he's like... this" Harry panted.

"Oh God is he okay" I asked stupidly.

"better now." Dumbledore said standing before us. there was a loud bang. "Harry, Emily hide. one of you get severus"

"I will" I said stupidly running towards the source of the noise. Harry ran under the tower.

"well, well isn't it little emily black" Bellatrix mocked as she appeared in front of me.

"how did you get here" I hissed

"I've been fixing the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements" draco blurted he's face slightly smug slightly panicked

"let me guess it has a sister" Dumbledore said calmly

"in borgan and berks" draco said. finair greyback appeared behind bellatrix. I was suddenly hit by the body binding curse and every thing was muffled.

finally snape appeared and took the spell off me before shooting

"Arvada kadavra "

at Dumbledore. he fell over the bars as soon as the green light touched his chest. I let out a tiny wail and ran to the bars looking down. Harry went after snape and I only hoped that Hermione or Ron had seen the death eaters and called for help. so that Vicky could be here to say good by.

now was time to get down there.

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