chapter 28

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Emily's p.o.v

the feast didnt go quite as.. well usual. dumbledore was in the middle of his speech when a pink lady who reminded me of a toad stepped forward to give a speech. the students were shocked. the teachers were shocked. no teacher had ever done a speech, hell no teacher had ever interupted dumbledore unless absolutly nessasry. i tuned out of her speech. "em you okay?" vicky asked me. "yeah just fine, she bored me." they all chuckled at me. we listened to the rest of dumbledores speech before we all scattered to our common rooms.

we walked in and sat in our little group, me, george, fred, vics, mione, ginny, ron and harry. seamus was having an argument with harry about not believing him. this seemed to drive me and ron up the wall and we stepped out. "do we have a problem here boys?" i asked almost mocking them. "do you believe all this shit spurting out of his mouth?" seamus asked me. "mind your language, and shit is what is coming out of your mouth. and if you dont shut up it will be blood!" i growled. george pulled be back before i could do anything that would get me expelled before my final year was up. ron stepped forward at this point. "anyone else got a problem with harry? i thought not!" ron said then he went up the stairs after harry. i glared at seamus making him whince then feeling pleased with myself i went to my dormatry followed closely by vicky!

"that was awesome!" vicky yelled as we got to our room. i grinned and we joked. "god emily i thought you were going to kill him." hermione yelled as she ran up but ginny was giggling. "well i for one thought that was funny." ginny laughed. she, me and vicky high fived while hermione shook her head dissaproving of us. "oh come on mione you know you want to laugh." i said. "no" she said chocking back her giggles, by now i was in fits of laughter holding onto vicky for support who looked like she was going to collaps with laughter. "well. i. think. its. time. for. bed." i said inbetween laughing. "i agree." vicky said now calm. and i got into the bathroom. when i came out i got into bed. "night." "night" "night" "mhf" was all i said before i fell asleep.

"emily please tell me your not going to tell me that your not going to azkaban before you complete you N.E.W.T.S" hermione asked. "god girl is that all you care about im not that dumb." i said. "your not dumb at all your actually really smart!" george said. "me smart! what the hell! oh i know its oposite day or has someone wiped your minds?" i asked chuckling. "we got 6 O.W.L.S combined, how many did you get." fred asked. i counted on my fingers. an O potions, transfigoration, divination (thanks to my acting skills), DADA, charms, herboloigy, care of magical creatures and even muggle studys & history of magic(which suprised me because i usaully fell asleep in these two) "um... thats not the um... point" i stuttered. "it is. and your outstanding at quiddich and most things you exel at." vicky whined. "your the smart one here emily!" i sighed. "no you are." "no you." "you" "you" "you" "you" we argued. "you both are." fred and george chorused! "god you two how do you do that." me and vicky chourused. then we looked at eachother and fell on our butts laughing. "what is it with those two and falling while laughing?" hermione asked and the others shrugged!

magonagal passed out our time tables. "great first lesson with the pink toad." i grumbled. they chucked. i looked at vicky and the twins and asked, "what about you?" "same" they all choursed. "how bout you three, when does the pink toad grace you with her presence." i asked. "we all have her last lesson." harry said. "okay well we better go dont want the pink toad at our throats." i said as me, vics and the twins raced out of the hall.

(a/n just incase you didnt know vics and vicky are the same person they are... duh duh da duh... VICTORIA DUMBLEDORE!)

we got to the class room and sat down as she entered. "N.E.W.T.S your final examinations. take a book and begin to read from chapter 1." the toad said as she gave us our books. it was a book for beginers. me and vicky looked at eachother and i decided to speak as did vicky. "professor we have already learnt all this and it doesnt teach us anything about defencive spells." vicky said. "why would you need to learn defencive spells." she said in a voice so sickingly sweet it made me want to puke. "well i dont know maybe because a certain dark wizard named voldemort has risen." i yelled. "first of all i will not be spoken to like that and second of all this you-know-who stuff is lies, all of it." she said. "no it bloody well isnt cedric diggory has been killed by him. now you and the rest of the freaking minestry are questioning my brother and dumbledore sanity." i screamed. "sit down miss black and keep reading." she said. "im sorry but do you acctually know how to teach or are you so stupid that all you want us to do is read a freaking book." i yelled my hair going bright red. "detention at 7 o'clock miss black." she smiled. "bitch" i spat under my breath as the bell went and i stormed from the room.

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