chapter 59

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"oh my god. Emily, we've all been so worried." lily cried as she ran in. she wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Emily is my mum here? I swear I heard her " harry said as he walked in.

"harry " she cried wrapping him in a hug.

"hi mum. I missed you" he said and I left them alone to talk while I went to see if remus had come along too.

"Emily" a voice filled with relief said and before I knew it i was being hugged.

"remus?" i checked.

"yes. oh we've been so worried what happened." he asked.

"okay well I heard some noises In the hall way and I went to investigate only to find hermione leaving and i turned around heard a voice and blacked out" i told him.

"do you know where you were?" he asked.

"yeah, malfoy manor. moldyshorts wants me to be a death eater and when I refused he put me in a cell only to take me out every other Sunday to see if I'd reconsider " i told him.

"im glad your back. I can't wait for you to meet teddy" he said with an exited glint in his eye.

"me either. how's george been" i asked and remus sighed.

"honestly... he's been slightly lost. living on hope like your dad. though lily was the worst... always was the worrier. made James crazy and worried him. doesn't like seeing her distressed... lily what's wrong" remus said and I whipped round.

"harry can't come home. he has some more things to do. won't tell me..." and she burst into tears.

"come on lily. bout time we got back ay?" i said and remus apperated us.

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