chapter 15

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emily's p.o.v

it was the day of buckbeaks exercution, i never had a class with him but i had met him. he was so sweet i really liked him. Fred and George were off pranking and didnt want to come to the exercution, George didnt want me to go either he didnt want me to be upset. vic was coming with us but ended up with madam pomfrey after falling out of a tree. so i was with harry, ron and hermione. "come to watch the entertainment too?" malfoy asked us. "this is no entertainment." hermione spat at him her wand to his throat. draco was a dick and deserved everything he got, i used to defend him because he was my couisn but i cannot be friends with that. "stay away from me you filthy mudblood." he hissed. hermione punched him he cowered but carried on throwing insults our way. i lost it, takled him to the ground and attaked him. harry and ron had to lift me up off him and he legged it. i calmed down and we walked down to hagrids house.

"hagrid let us in." i called. "oh its youse four!" hagrid let us in and made everyone a cup of tea. "i cant believe he's not going to be here anymore." hagrid sobbed. the vase next to me exploded. "what the..." i started. "ouch" something his harry hard on the head. hermione picked up a stone, i went to look for the culprit. "oh crap." i said looking out the window and the minster for magic and dumbledore and two exercution officers. ron cluched scabbers who i had only just found out dissapered nto 'crookshanks stomache.' we were pushed out of his house and i was pulled up the path. i herd the axe go down and i fell to the ground in floods of tears, hermione was the same but she was crying onto rons shoulder. "ow he bit me." scabbers bit ron. "scabbers." ron bleeted grabbing him back. a big black dog dragged ron through the womping willow. i launched me self after him and rolled through like a spy narrowly missing the willows womping. harry and hermione wernt so lucky. i hurried ahead to ron. a moment later i heard harry and ron get through and i helped ron who had broken his leg. "i-its h-h-h-im." ron stuttered. i turned to where he was pointing. it couldnt believe it. "daddy?" i whimpered. "god emily is that really you darling." "yes daddy i said hugging him. i tuned out of the conversation so when we were about to leave i was supprised to see remus, a rather ugly man and a dead looking snape.

we were leaving, me and harry talking to sirus. "oh no." i said looking up at the sky, a full moon. "no,no. uncle remus have you taken your potion?" i asked but i was interupted by him changing. he was a warewolf. he came after mee and i was knocked out the way by my dad. i hit me head and driffed out of coniousness.

"harry shes awake." george said. "good its been almost a week!" harry exclaimed. "home tomorrow?" i whispered they nodded. "is daddy, oh god what happened?" i asked. "all you need to know that he is safe." george said. "good." i laughed. and smiled, my daddy was ok!

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