chapter 57

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I lay on the floor of the dungeon bored out of my mind. Mr ollivander sat in the corner staring at the wall like he does most of the time. the newest arrived, griphook the goblin, paced back and forth. I stood up and paced my self. this was so boring why couldn't they give us something to do. I don't even know the date or how long I've been down here.

my thoughts were interupted when a blonde haired girl basically flew down and landed with a crash. the bared door slammed shut and the girl groaned with pain. she got up and dusted herself off. it was luna lovegood.

"luna" i cried hugging the younger girl. her usually dreamy face was filled with worry and fear. she hugged back greatfully.

"oh Emily. I don't know what's happening" she said looking as if she could burst into tears at any moment.

"your at malfoy manor in a dungeon where voldemort is above you" i said and fear shined on her features. "don't worry he doesn't come to get us"

"okay" she said looking slightly relived.

"what month is it?" i asked her.

"it's the 19th of December"she said slightly confused.

"I've been down here a little over two months" i whimpered.

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