chapter 46

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Emily's p.o.v

I'd decided to head back to Hogwarts for my safety, even though dad didn't want me too he accepted it. I kissed him goodbye before getting George to take me to Hogwarts, after dad threatened him of course. but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I walked into the common room where I was promptly knocked to the floor by someone with black hair and green eyes.

owwww my back hurts.

"um... sorry about hurting your back" Harry said scratching the back of his neck.

did I say that out loud. or can he read minds, I thought only I could do that.

"yes you said it out loud, you are still the only person that can read minds,... that I know of" Harry said.

"so what was the Rugby tackle for?" I asked him

"because Dumbledore told me what your plan is." he told me

"Oh that. I can't wait to see them all again but I have to wait 2 more months." I told him gravely.

"how is your dad?" he asked.

"at first very confused about how he could be talking to your parents and my mum one minute and the next be back but now he's acting like he had never left." I said giggling.

"I'm glad he's back. I know how you felt loosing all your family. having nobody " he said softly

"not for too much longer. they'll be back" i said before leaving the room

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