chapter 48

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vickys p.o.v

he was falling down, down, down.

"NO" I screamed. I ran forwards and collapsed next to him. "Daddy, Daddy. please wake up." tears fell down my face and splashed onto his cold body.

I was vaguely aware that Harry was trying to wake him up to and the entire school behind us. I felt a hand touch me shoulder and immediately left my dad for his warm arms. I cuddled into his chest.

"Fred, what am I going to do." I asked him weeping.

"I don't know baby." he whispered into my ear.

I turned around, his arms still holding me. I saw magonagal usher everyone back into the school. (Fred, George and me were in school because we were part of the order.) I looked over to see George holding Emily and Emily was stroking Harry's hair and hugging him. everyone raised their wands into the sky except me and Harry. our eyes too thick with tears. they cast a spell and a white light shot out making the dark mark in the sky disappear.

Fred held me close. we were sitting in my father office. I wiped my eyes and brushed my hair out of my face. it was curly and flowed down and sat uncomfortably at my waist. dad had always loved my hair.

Harry was sitting down his knee bobbing up and down. Emily was pacing her brown hair swinging in its pony tail. Fred and George jumped as the rest of the order trudged in along with ron, ginny and hermione.

"its done." moody grunted.

everyone looked over at me appoligetically sadness danced in everyones eyes. hermione and ginny made a bee line for me. i held my hand out for my best friend, emily, to join our girly hug and then she turned to tonks.

"no holding back, ey, you ready tonks?" she asked turning to her. tonks smirked.

"hell yeah, lets do this." just as they were about to apperate (the ban had been lifted for the order.) george and lupin(i should really call him remus.) grabbed their girls.

"no, no killing." remus said harshly.

"remus its only fair, you know what he did, plus me and tonks have wanted to kill that little twerp for years. we never had a good enough reason for it, now we do." emily said and her eyes gleamed. looks like her powers were trying to seap out, i couldnt let them she has been controling herself for ages she cant let it out now.

"NO" i shouted. everyone turned to me suprised. "dad wouldnt have wanted this." i whimpered finding it hard to get my words out. i almost blacked out with the pain and sorrow i held in my heart. i started to fall but fred caught me and gripped me tightly, holding me close.

"i love you vicky. never forget that he loved you as well. I will always love you as will he. no matter what."he breathed into my hair. i kissed him tears still rolling. he brushed them away.

"i know Freddie. and i love you too. for ever and always"

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