chapter 45

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Emily's p.o.v

I woke in a bed that was vaguely familiar. the room was purple and blue and smelt like my perfume. I sat up and felt slightly faint. what the hell happened? there was something about dad. wait I woke dad.

"daddy." I called out hoping it hadn't been a dream. there were loud footsteps and all of a sudden many weasleys, a lupin, a tonks and my dad were in the door way.

"your awake we were so worried" dad said sitting by me.

"so it wasn't a dream" I sobbed out and he shook his head.

"what's this?" dad asked pointing to my engagement ring.

"um... how long have I been out?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"nearly a month.... wait don't change the subject." dad said.

"um daddy. I'm engaged, but remus allowed it." I yelled.

"weasley. lupin. here now" dad yelled as they scrambled to the door. "lupin what right do you have to give my daughter away when she's only a baby. and weasley why should I let you have her"

"dad how many times to we have to have this conversation. I'm not a baby." I whined.

"no you'll always be my baby girl." dad told me kissing my head. remus and tonks came up towards me and hugged me too.

I walked into the kitchen where all the weasleys along with Victoria sat.

"ohmigod. are you okay?" Vicky screamed wrapping me in a tight hug

"yeah I'm alright thanks" I told her.

"you know what you did, will it work with you know what when it happens" Vicky asked hopefully.

"that's what I originally thought about it but he said the you know what will effect the porosses. sorry" I told her gently.

"will someone tell us" Fred whined and Vicky just kissed him to shut him up. and it worked. George looked at me hopefully and I shook my head in exasperation which shut him up.


"so what was it like?" I asked dad about his experience being dead

"it was strange. I could see you but I couldn't hear what was going on. I spent my time with your mother and James and Lily." dad told me.

"you know I broke my promise" I told him sadly.

"what promise" he asked confused.

"that it would all be okay because I loved her" I told him.

"and she knew that she would die anyway. she was protecting us all. she watched you grow up she's been there with you through everything baby girl" he told me.

"hopefully we'll be a family again soon enough" I said gently, and we sat there tears rolling down our cheeks. but they weren't sad they were happy.

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