chapter 43

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Emily's p.o.v

it was Christmas eve. what else can I say it was hectic. me and Vicky were watching our boyfriends mucking around. my attention turned to the moment ginny and harry were about to have. I smirked. then ron being the idiot he is interrupts.

ginny caught my eye, went scarlett and hastily got up and went out the room. I turned back to Vicky and we went into the kitchen to help mrs weasley with dinner.

after dinner tonks and remus sat with Mr weasley and harry. remus was getting worked up over something. it was getting close to the full moon and he was feeling irritable. when Mr weasley and harry left i walked over to my two guardians.

"Hiyya. what's up?" i asked and they both looked up at me.

"harry thinks that snapes gone to voldemorts side. remus here thinks that's impossible." tonks said.

"how are you Emily, worked out those powers yet." remus said.

"oh yes, watch this" i told him a mischievous glint in my eye. I looked towards fred and george and pictured them on the ceiling above us. there was a few noises of confusion before they realised what I'd done and asked me to put them back. I smiled, did as I was told and went back to talking to tonks and remus.

remus left me and tonks in conversation to talk with Mr weasley. probably about what happened before. I noticed something on tonks's hand and squealed really loudly. then I quietened my self.

"your engaged to remus!" i squealed out excitedly. and I hugged her.

"Oh yes, there's that, I was going to tell you later " tonks said blushing, I hugged her before going to tell Vicky. Vicky was up stairs sitting on her bed.

"hey vic, something wrong?" i asked standing on the door way.

"dad hasn't tried to get in contact with me. nothing" Vicky cried.

"oh yes I completely forgot. he had to go away he told me to let you know and say merry Christmas " i told her.

"Oh atleast I haven't been forgotten." Vicky said.

"Vicky there's something else I need to tell you." i said sitting by her. i was about to tell her when tonks and remus called up the stairs and i came hurtling down.

"bye Emily. I'm sorry we can't be together for christmas." tonks said giving me a hug followed by remus. I was about to go inside when death eaters came out of nowhere.

"i killed sirius black, I killed sirius black. oh ikkle Emily, I killed both your parents. there dead." Bellatrix taunted. I'd had enough I went after her, harry shortly followed along with Ginny. remus tried calling me back, I just fallen into the trap. remus, tonks and Mr weasley were calling for us running after us.

we all ended up together reflecting curses. I could use my sheild but then they'd know what I was. but it's my fault there here, so there going to find out then. and I imagined the sheild expanding around us all, I dropped my wand and they looked at me curiously before releasing what I was. there jaws dropped. the death eaters gave up.

"we will get you Emily black, you will belong to the dark lords you shall help us fight." Bellatrix yelled.

"i will never help you, your on your own" i yelled back. she cackled before leaving. but not before they set the burrow on fire.

"Molly" Mr weasley gasped and we all ran. we watched it burn.

"where's Vicky?" i asked, worried. fred looked concerned. me and the twins ran in. using the elements I put out the fire and we found Vicky. she wasn't burnt nut she'd inhaled alot of smoke. fred carried her down while I put the rest of the fire out and george inspected the damage. it was really bad. rons room was completely unusable, the twins room was wrecked apart from a few fire proof boxes, ginnys room wouldn't be able to be slept in.

eventually tonks and remus had to leave as tomorrow was the full moon. I was curled up into george on the sofa. it was the only room that hadn't been damaged well the kitchen wasn't too bad. when everyone Was asleep I got up qnd walked over to where Vicky was. she was stiring.

"what happened" she asked groggily

"you were caught is some fire and inhaled smoke. you feeling okay" i asked.

"yeah. what was it you were going to tell me?" she said

"oh, well he didn't know how to tell you. he wanted to but he couldn't get the words out. two weeks before you came here your dad went looking for something important. when he found it he put it on but it had been cursed. and how he's, d-d-d-dying he's got just over a y-y-year left." i sobbed. we spent the restoration of the night crying.

wow our lives were messed up!

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