chapter 37

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Emily's p.o.v

we all stood at the edge of the hall laughing at the bustle of people and magonagal bossing them around with a smug look of pure accomplishment. "potter" magonagal yelled beckoning Harry over. "Oh no this can't be good." Harry muttered and me and Ron chortled after him. he went over and they talked for a few moments before he started to go. then she yelled, "and potter take black and weasley with you they look far too happy." that shut me and Ron right up.

we walked into the classroom with a complaining Ron. "ah Harry I was beginning to get worried. and ah I see you brought friends." slugghorn said. "Ronald weasley and I'm crap at potions so I'll just be..." "nonsense come on we'll soon sort you out." he said before turning to me. "Emily black" I said awkwardly. "ah a black, come in come in." slugghorn said. "thing is sir none of us have got our books. " Harry said. "no problem take what you need from the cupboard." he said gesturing towards it and turning back to the class. Harry and Ron fought for the new book Ron won ans looked all smug. I took the old one and said. "we'll share?" and he nodded.

by the end of the class me and Harry had the most perfect potions and as if from magic another bottle of liquid luck appeared and he awarded me and Harry. this could come in useful.

I decided to write to George I missed him like mad. \dear George, I really miss you. it feels like Christmas Is forever away. I signed up for a few classes to keep busy but the death eaters are always on my mind. pestering me. making me feel alone and vulnerable like I'm loosing it. on a lighter note I was wondering if you could grab me the new potions book I think in left it under the desk also send the bag of parchment and quils. who knew I could be so forgetful. love emily xxx/ and I sent it off to George.

I sat in Dumbledores office as we were waiting for Harry. when he did arrive I was to tuned out thinking about what I just saw. Harry looked at me before being sucked into the memory of when Dumbledore first met riddle. I though about the memory I witnessed moments ago. he had few possessions, he could control things and he could talk to snakes. his face and eyes didn't match his voice. they stayed dead and emotionless. like he had no remorse, feelings for that matter. he looked quite hostile. it was almost like he was exposing himself for the monster he truly is. Harry came out of the pensive. "did you know professor." Harry asked. "know that I had just met the darkest wizard in the world? no." we soon left. I turned to Harry. "did you notice how emotionless he was." I asked. "yes even back then." he said.

when I walked into the dorm I smiled as I saw the letter and parcel on my bed. I opened up the parcel and pulled out the things I asked for plus some of Mrs weaslys fudge. I then read the letter. /dear emily, I miss you too as does everyone else. I'm worried too but you are in the safest possible hands babe, trust that. mum thought you should have something to cheer you up as for the fudge. love you and I can't wait to see you. George xxx/ I set the note down. no matter how scared I was I could always count on George. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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