chapter 9

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Emily's p.o.v

I spent most of my holidays with Remus and rarely saw tonks. Remus had got a job at Hogwarts but he just had to control the werewolf inside. I loved Remus like a father and he acted like one to me, tonks was in between a mother and a sister. I still miss my actual father- but I was three when he was Locked up so I don't really know him. I wish I h had. ay... Emily are you concentrating?" Remus asked. "Yeah sorry." I said. "You haven't seen the newspaper have you?" he asked, concern in his voice. "Why what's in the newspaper Remus?" I asked. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." He said hastily. "What's in the newspaper Remus?" I repeated. He resisted. I got very angry. I had a small secret, when I got angry I caused a lot of issues, Remus and tonks showed me how to concur it because it was making me ill. The air went cold and things started to fly around. "Emily, this isn't good, you'll get hurt." He whispers. "No, tell me what's there, why would I get upset." I cried. I felt sick and dizzy; I swear I could taste blood. I collapsed as my world went black.

I woke up in my bed Remus stroking my hair. "So im a cat now am I." I asked. He gasped seeing I was awake. I tried to sit up but I felt dizzy and Remus held me back. With his help I sat up on my bed. "How long have I been out" "two hours." "It's gotten less." "You have more control" I got up and went to my window. "Pack your things Emily. We're meeting harry, Hermione and the weasly's at the leaky caldron in an hour." I smiled and packed my things up. Ok got my robes, books, pyjamas, jumper, hat, scarf, gloves, other clothes, broom... where's my broom, at tonks's. "Remus, I left my broom at tonks's." I yelled down the stairs. "It's ok, you have a lot of money, buy yourself a new one the other's getting a little tattered." "Ok I will." Half an hour later and some floo powder took us to "THE LEAKY CALDRON"

I stepped into the pub which strangely enough was quite empty apart from a small black haired boy. "HARRY." I yelled running over to him. He smirked and hugged me. "How are you?" "Good thanks harry. Why are you here?" "I kind of got angry and I may have blown up my uncle's sister." "YOU DID WHAT." "Please don't be cross." "Im going to be, you could have been expelled and kicked out of your home." "Well I wasn't. Im sorry Emily but she angered me and before I knew what was going on she was in the air like a balloon." I frowned but tried to hold in my laughter. Failed attempt. I fell off my chair for laughing so hard. "Emily why are you on the floor." I looked up to see Percy standing over me. "Hello Percy." I giggled and he rolled his eyes. "Why are you on the floor?" Ron asked walking past. "Why? Shouldn't I be? I thought it was a free country!" he rolled is eyed. "Emily get off the floor." Remus yelled. "Why should I?" I asked "don't be cheeky with me." "Don't be a git?" "Excuse me?" "Show me the newspaper." I said hotly getting up. "Emily we already discussed this." He was sitting with Mr and Mrs Weasly. "Why not, why? I'll find out at some point." My anger came bubbling over, the familiar cold air came and things rushed about. "Calm Emily." He said getting up. "Is it her doing this?" Fred asked. I looked over to see the twins coming down. "Stay back everyone, you could get hurt." Remus yelled. "Show me the paper." I hissed. "Ok calm and I'll show you." He agreed. I started to calm, but I fell dizzily to the floor, Remus helped me up, everything fell back to the floor something's clattering and smashing. "It's okay." Remus whispered. I calmed. He helped me to the table where Ron and harry were sitting. Percy who was recovering from his state of shock joined us, along with Fred, Mrs and Mr weasly and George who sat by me. "Now don't get too upset." He told me. He handed me the newspaper. I saw that my father had escaped from Azkaban. I smiled. "Why should I be upset?" I asked. "A serial killer has escaped." Remus said. "He was wrongly accused." I cried running to diagon ally.

There were lots of posters saying, have you seen this man? I walked to green gots. "I wish to enter my volt." I said firmly to the goblin in front of me. "Key?" he asked without looking up. I handed it to him. "Ok Miss black follow me."

I was in the quiddich shop looking at all the brooms. I found the one I wanted. The firebolt. I paid and took it back to the leaky caldron. Everyone was in the same place I left them, whispering. I ignored them, tucked my new broom into my bag and got out my sketch pad. I drew an owl perched on the window frame. Remus and George came to sit with me without my noticing. "That's amazing; I never knew you could draw like that." They both said. "Thanks." "Im sorry for what I said Emily." "It's ok Remus we all have our own opinions, mine just happens to be that he is innocent." And with that the conversation was over and I changed the subject coming back over to everyone else at the other table.

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