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"I believe you ordered for me?"

His deep alluring voice sent uncountable shivers down my spine. He looked so real. So human-ish, so beautiful. I was literally stopping myself from reaching forward and poking him. Or it?

How can a robot look so freaking real? Like a final-year high school cliche bad-boy character? It was like he was cut out from a magazine.

I should probably ask because, for all I know, he could be a stranger who the fat guy sent to play me. But how the hell does his facial look depict everything I described?

Just ask, Ivy!

His hands moved to his arm, rubbing against his super dark leader jacket like he was cold or something... But I could care less... That action was so freaking hot.

So, with my jaw dropped and my eyes still wide from the shock, I was finally able to make out words..."Are you -you Trevor? The robot?"

His face pulled on a blank look. "No... I'm someone who stumbled to your doorstep late in the night, seeking shelter."

I blinked, my head still trying to piece everything he just said together.

"Of course I'm Trevor. The Robot." He said with a tone that screamed, isn't it obvious?

"Wh- I didn't-"

He groaned, and with his facial expression, it almost looked like he would rather be anywhere else than standing right in front of me.

That brings me to the character I wrote out in just one chapter... Rude, sarcastic, bad boy! It's all here; it's truly him.

"So... Are you gonna let me in, or are you going to put me through the robot test because I swear to God if you're about to ask me how many mailboxes I can detect in this neighborhood-"

"Come in." I opened the door wide for him to come in, and why I did that when he could be a real guy who is out to kill my parents for their wealth, I seriously don't know.

He brushed past me as I closed the door gently.

I turned to look at him again; something was really wrong here. How can a robot look so real?

"Don't you have parents?" His deep voice echoed around our big house.

The lump in my throat was unwilling to clear up. "Uh... Um... Yes... I do; they are upstairs, asleep."

"No wonder." He muttered under his breath, but I heard him anyway.

"I don't understand any of this. How can you look so real?" I said, walking up to him and watching his emerald green eyes settle on me. "It's impossible," I whispered, reaching up to touch his face, and true to this, his skin felt so natural, so soft... "You're like a real human, with blood running through your veins; you even have veins," I said in awe of his beauty.

His hand moved to grip my wrist away from his face, settling it down at my side.

"There's a reason why my Inc is called the human Robotic Inc."

My Robotic BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now