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I wouldn't say I was interested in whatever the teacher was busy teaching... I never really liked history on the Outside. I had a feeling they made it compulsory for Roman and I, since this was literally the class where they try to twist their brains and feed them rubbish about the hell of a life they would have, if they were on the Outside.

Fortunately it wasn't us alone. Ethan, Fiona, Ralph and Caramel had this class with us.

Honestly, if I wanted to argue with this teacher, this class would never end, and I might end up being the star of IncLine again.

I furrowed my brows.

That really wouldn't be so bad... I guess Rebel-lions could get their voice out through IncLine, since it's just like YouTube in this dimension. I'd have to look it over with Roman.

Roman, well-- speaking of Roman, he has been in a kind of mood since yesterday. I wouldn't blame him. The last few weeks has been pretty life changing for both of us and he's probably missing his family.

But if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be here, so I have to find a way to make him feel better, even if I myself don't feel all too good.

I felt even worse, noticing the slightest faults in my body, feeling overly self-conscious. I guess I never really stopped caring about what others thought of me.

I sighed, looking beside me to see a bored look on Ethans' face, his hand on his chin. And his eyes slightly drooping like he'd spent the whole of last night keeping watch or doing something tedious.

I looked around the class, my eyes catching a glimpse of Roman scribbling whatever fact he caught from what the teacher was busy explaining.

My gaze shifted to his side, only to find Fiona staring at him. There was something in her eyes, something I saw whenever she looked at Roman. I knew something was up with them. Roman liked her, I'm sure of that, but I wasn't all too sure of Fionas' feelings, shes'never mentioned anything to me about her liking Roman. But considering the way she was looking at him, maybe she felt the same way.

My gaze swept towards the other side of the class room, zoning in on Caramel and Ralph. Caramel as usual, had a lollipop stuck between her lips, Ralph was seated behind her, pulling the ends of her hair softly with a playful glint to his eyes.

She would constantly turn towards him, glaring and muttering something low, all he'd do is smile sweetly back at her.

Well, the both of them? I wasn't so sure. But I've caught Ralph staring at her countless times when she wasn't looking, a certain longing in his eyes. But Caramel, her face as usual, held no emotions.

Ralph's eyes suddenly met mine, almost as if he felt my stare. His lips kicked up at the side as he sent a soft wink my way.

I rolled my eyes, looking ahead again.

It was apparant the teacher didn't really care if anyone was listening, he just kept on talking.

I sighed, my eyes falling back to Ethan, who as I pressumed, was fast asleep.

I smiled, kicking the side of his leg from under the table.

He jerked up in a start, his Tcom, falling straight to the ground, gaining everyones' attention, including the teachers'.

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