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I paced back and forth, doing everying to calm my raging heart, to stop the tears threatening to spill from my eyes as Roman checked Ethan while Fiona just sat there, looking totally lost. I wouldn't blame her, she was probably wondering why we weren't taking him to the hospital... I'd have to explain this all to her after we've sorted it out... I couldn't think straight because I was lost too... I couldn't explain what was happening or even look for a freaking solution to anything.

I did this... I caused this. If I had just listened to him... If I just stayed away, he'd be okay... We'd be okay.

I killed him.

Oh my God... I killed him, the only guy who has ever showed remotely any feelings for me.

I .killed. him.

My heart felt so heavy, as a whole new set of tears dropped down my eyes, and I couldn't control the sobbing that followed.

"What happened Ivy?" Fiona spoke for the first time since she entered Ethans' room.

Roman had helped me get him on the bed. He'd also been confused, and judging by the expression on his face right now, there was absolutely nothing he could do.

My eyes landed on Ethans' lifeless body, he was so pale and unmoving. His eyes were dead shot and it was still unbelievable.

I looked away, unable to control my emotions. "I don't know." I managed an answer, with my teary voice. "We- we were arguing downstairs, and he seemed fine- he went upstairs, and it was- it was quiet and I heard something-" I shook my head in confusion. "I don't know Fiona... I found him like this... I was so scared and confused, and I couldn't call the hospital because- I don't even know how to explain why."

Roman sighed. "There's no pulse Ivy. I don't know how this could have happened... It's almost as if he- he shut down. Either that, or I don't have a theory. He's- He's gone Ivy."

I shook my head, covering my face with both my hands, and plopped down on the edge of the bed, right beside a clueless Fiona.

I knew he was gone, but I was kind of hoping Roman would know what to do, but hearing him say it was something I wasn't ready for.

My limbs felt weak and my heart broke continuously as I sobbed into my palm.

Fiona's arm came around my shoulder. "It's okay, Ivy."

I backed away. "No, Fi. It's not okay... Eth- He's dead... And I might be at fault. If I had just listened to him, he'd have been fine. I'm responsible for this."

"You're not Ivy." She said softly.

"I am." I said, unable to look at him.

Fiona shook her head, almost like she was trying to wipe away a certain thought from her head. "We'll take care of this okay... Just relax... Crying won't solve anything." She said, taking a glance at Ethan. "It'll be fine..." She stroked my back.

Something about her voice made me want to believe her, but that same something began to wonder why she wasn't exactly freaking out... If I were to be in her shoes, without the knowledge of the bigger picture, I'd be freaking out... But I couldn't really ponder on that right now.

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