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"Okay." I stated, nodding my head. "Fine, whatever you say."

"Really?" She grinned at me.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "You might be right, my Inc might be dangerous, and your friend might be able to help me."

"I know he will." She smiled. "This is the best thing Trevor. Your mom really misses you." She whispered, coming close to me, just like I hoped she would.

"Yeah, I suppose." I said, holding her arms softly, purposely putting my left hand at her elbow. "And I'm sorry."

She frowned, confusion dancing in her eyes. "For what?" She asked.

I looked down at her beautiful eyes, getting side tracked by her long lashes as I leaned in, her breath fanning my face. She looked startled, the confusion never leaving her brows as she tried to fight her focus between my eyes and my lips. "For this." I said, barely above a whisper.
My thumb pressed against a pressure nerve in her elbow, and immediately, she fell limply in my arms. I held her straight and steady in my arms, her head resting against my chest as I reached to the back pocket of my jeans, grabbing my phone.

I quickly dialed Fiona's number.

She picked up immediately. "Hey Ethan." She said.

"Hey! How fast can you get to the outside?" I asked.

"Pretty fast, why?" She asked.

"I need a favor. And we'll need LT wipe." I said.

"Okay, I'm listening..."


I paced back and forth, waiting for Fiona. she was supposed to get to Roman first before coming here. LT wipe (long time wipe) was a serum produced by the institute. It was only used in the willing sector, seeing as there would be some people who would love to forget their horrible past.

You could also find it in the futures sector, but it was rare there.

I needed it now more than ever... Ivy can't know about this, I have to make her forget.

Although she didn't get the full picture, seeing as she thought I couldn't remember anything about my past life.

I watched her motionless body lay on the couch, breathing so gently and calm... Who would have thought Ivy Fisher was this smart?

Her curiosity would definitely get her in trouble one of these days.

I got distracted when the doorbell rang.

Immediately, I rushed to get it. Fiona stood there. "Get in." I said, stepping aside.

She walked in.

"Did you take care of the guy?" I asked her.

She nodded. "He's clean. LT wipe has taken away all his memories from this morning." She informed, her eyes going over to the couch to see Ivy, sprawled up on it. "That's your mission?"

"Yeah, her name's Ivy." I muttered.

"She's one smart bitch." Fiona chuckled, bringing out another serum of LT wipe. "How did she even find out?" Fiona asked.

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