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I found him sitting at the pool side of my house, his hand on his chin like he was thinking of something. Something important, his long lashes formed shadows just below his eyes, from the reflection of the bright light above him. I could already see the beauty on his face before reaching him.

He was putting on his normal white shirt and black jean trouser. He had no jacket on this time, and it was pretty cold outside. The moon wasn't all that bright and the wind made it its mission to provide goosebumps to the skin of anyone who felt it, I was putting on a large sweater and my comfortable pj trouser.

It was way past my bedtime, but luckily enough for me, my parents were out on vacation.

When I finally reached him, I sat down on the spot beside him, I could feel the heat from his body, seeping through my sweater to attack my skin, I guess it was his robotic chip, providing that amount of heat to his body, since he didn't act like he was cold.

Without looking at me, he spoke. "I got your message earlier today." He said.

"Yeah? where were you?" I asked him, intertwining my fingers.

He inhaled and exhaled heavily, sitting up right. Finally, his eyes met mine. I had to suck in a sharp breath at the way his emerald green eyes caused waves of nervousness deep inside me, I gulped down losing my new found strength and courage. The intimidating look in his eyes made me feel so small, I had been this close to him, but I didn't notice the detailed look in his eyes, his hot but intimidating stare, which made my heart change its rhythm and speed.

I knew he was about to say something, but I didn't know what made him stop, he just continued to stare, like he was assessing every single little detail of my face, before I knew it, a smile pulled at his lips.

"What?" I asked, managing to find my voice.

His lips parted, as if to say something, but then he closed it again, shaking his head. "Nothing." He said, a quick frown meeting his brows before looking away.

I gulped.

Was that a moment there?

Should I be worried? I mean, I would have been really worried if he was truly a robot but now- with the stuff I knew, I had a little bit of hope that it was okay to feel mesmerized by his facial appearance.

"You asked about my whereabouts." He spoke up, making my attention snap back to him. As if it ever left.

"Yeah, I didn't see you after school."

He scoffed. "I didn't see you after school... We were supposed to go home together, but you left. To Roman's right?"

I sighed. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"What kind of a question is that? It has everything to do with everything. Just before you left earlier, you told me you were gonna do everything within your power to figure out why I used LT wipe on you. I knew you'd head on to Roman's immediately you left school." He said.

"How did you know?"

He only shrugged.

"Did you follow me?"

My Robotic BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now